Stepping Stones
Intentional Living with Lisa McGrath
7 TIPS to Capitalize on Your Strengths
Once you know what your strengths and weaknesses are, you can begin to place focus on the strengths you have to lead you to living an Intentional Life....
Could You Be Weary Without Knowing It?
Being on the go is a normal state of being. Families are busy! Between the expectations for work and home, there aren’t enough hours in the day or...
Practice Helps You Get Better at Being Brave
I talk a lot about your inner naysayer, you know, the negative critic that tries to take up residence in your head. That’s...
Real-World Solutions for a Weary Spirit
A weary spirit is no joke. It’s not something that can be restored with a Snickers bar and a Gatorade. A weary spirit can be felt in the bones...
What Exactly is Self-Love?
Negativity and allowing your inner naysayer a voice can hold you back from loving yourself fully. Being self-aware and mindful of your thoughts, feelings, and...
Use Slow Thinking to Review YOUR Life
Slow thinking is a great mental space to be in to review or really look at your current life. It’s a good idea to frequently examine all the...
Don’t Buy into Labels - You’re So Much More Than That
Labels are all-encompassing. We use them to describe and identify both ourselves and others. Labels are even applied by...
Going, Going, Gone
In this blog series, I've been offering strategies for dealing with the changes many of us have or will experience in our lives, and I've been talking about my online coaching...
Change: See Where to Go from Here
Wow! I am so grateful that you have allowed me to share my insights, inspirations, and influences about change. I am confident that you are no longer afraid...
Make Your Mess a Message: Ways People Use Change to Help Others
At some point, you’re going to come to terms with your changes. The tough ones feel very messy when you are going through...
Change Can Be Hard - Which is a Very Good Thing!
This blog series has covered a lot of territory. From helping you cope with unwanted change to creating a culture in your family that...
What to Do When There’s Too Much Change, Too Fast
Some change is just too much. You’re not ready or you don’t have the skills to cope. What do you do when there’s too...
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