Stepping Stones

Lessons on Intentional Living with Lisa McGrath

What Exactly is Self-Love?

a pilgrimage to self inner critic inner naysayer self-love

What Exactly is Self-Love? 

 Negativity and allowing your inner naysayer a voice can hold you back from loving yourself fully. Being self-aware and mindful of your thoughts, feelings, and actions allows you to change your circumstances and be open to self-love.

Now is the time to focus on what self-love really means. While there is no universally accepted definition, today’s post will give you a clearer idea of what it encompasses and how to cultivate habits that will ultimately lead to helping you embrace self-love in your daily life. Keep reading to find out more.

About Self-Love

There are a lot of misconceptions about self-love that might make it difficult for you to accept that the concept is one that’s actually good for you. When people hear the term “self-love,” they often think that it means being overly fixated on yourself or narcissistic. That’s not the case at all. What self-love means is simply having a positive regard for yourself. It involves caring about your health, happiness, and wellbeing. It also requires you to avoid sacrificing yourself for others or settling for less than you deserve. These are all perfectly acceptable, even desirable, actions.

Habits of Self-Love

There are some habits you can adopt that might help you to better practice self-love. One way to do it is to stop being so concerned with others. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t care for other people; however, it does mean it’s best to stop worrying about what others think or comparing yourself to others. Instead, it’s okay to center yourself sometimes. Also, remember it’s okay to make mistakes. Everyone does. Mistakes allow you to grow.

Another habit of self-love is to trust your own decisions. Second guessing invalidates your feelings or worth. When making decisions, take the time to evaluate the choices and consequences. Use all available data to make the best decision for you. Remember, you can always go back and reevaluate and change your decision if you learn more information or need to pivot because of unexpected results.

Finally, being kind to yourself is one of the most important habits associated with self-love. Remember to treat yourself as kindly as you would treat someone you care about. Following the philosophy of the Indian Proverb A House With Four Rooms by doing something daily for your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being provides the necessary routines, rituals, and habits of making yourself a priority. In the long run, it makes you stronger, more confident, and much wiser.

Ways to Cultivate Self-Love

There are some specific steps you can take to cultivate self-love. I’ll share just a few here. For one, it’s important to pay attention to the messages you tell yourself. When you catch yourself saying something negative, take a moment to reframe that message. For example, instead of saying, “I’ll never get the promotion,” consider changing it to a more positive statement such as, “I have the qualifications for this job, and I won’t know if I can get it unless I try.”

Another way to gain more self-love is to engage in self-care...Remember the philosophy of A House With Four Rooms. Eat well, take time to rest, and enjoy leisure activities. Make sure to learn something new, read, and engage in great conversations. Go on long walks in nature, meditate, and pray. Spend quality time with loved ones.

When you feel recharged, you’re better able to manage life. And when you manage life, you live more intentionally. Living an Intentional Life is about defining self-love for yourself.

Until next time...


P.S. Stepping Stones from A Pilgrimage to Self is all about sharing some of the mini-lessons shared in the masterclasses of our online coaching program. The program has been created as a sacred journey on the PATHS that will help women live an Intentional Life with Purpose, Abundance, Truth, Health, and Success. 

The women in the membership come from all walks of life and have individual focus goals; for instance, Jean’s focus goal is to live a healthier lifestyle: she’s broken a twenty year cigarette addiction and has released over 60 pounds on her journey thus far. Another member, Donna, found purpose by returning to school to pursue a degree in nursing, and now she works as an RN caring for others. The members choose an individual focus goal to pursue, and there is something they all have in common...they all start with finding self-love.

If you’d like to see if A Pilgrimage to Self is a fit for you, DM me. If we both agree, we can start working together straight away...I’ll introduce you to my lifestyle planner and the Design an Intentional Life workbook. The masterclasses and exercises in the first month will help you connect heart, mind, body, and spirit as you walk the PATHS to Discover, Design, and Develop your Intentional Life. Isn’t it time you make yourself a priority...DM me to get started or go to for more information on the special membership plans available now...a BOGO special: invest in the first month and get the second month or for the ALL IN special...annual membership at only $1 per day...lock in your plan now (members in good standing are grandfathered into their plan when fees increase)...don’t wait...let’s get started!


The life philosophy of A House With Four Rooms suggests thinking of yourself as being four rooms: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual rooms. It advocates for doing something daily for your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Download 10 Secrets for "Airing" Out Your Four Rooms
A Pilgrimage to Self

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A Pilgrimage to Self is a Self-Paced Monthly Membership covering a variety of topics for successful life management.

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