Stepping Stones
Intentional Living with Lisa McGrath
Saying Goodbye to One Year and Hello to the Next
This is the time of year that many of us reflect on the year ending and make plans for the new year. And for some, regrets creep into thoughts of...
Change: See Where to Go from Here
Wow! I am so grateful that you have allowed me to share my insights, inspirations, and influences about change. I am confident that you are no longer afraid...
Helping Aging Parents Cope with Getting Older
People are living longer than ever, and it is very common for adults to be parenting their own children as well as beginning to care for aging...
Blending Families: Helping Kids Cope with a New Life
Divorce is one of the hardest changes a family can face. Coming up a close second, is blending a new family. Sure, it may be a time for...
Downsizing - The Awesome Power of Letting Go
Life is full of happy transitions: moving into your first apartment or home, upsizing to accommodate a growing family. Each time a new expansion...
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