Stepping Stones
Intentional Living with Lisa McGrath
Questions to Ask Before Making a Purchase
Being disorganized and cluttered begins at the point of purchase or entry into your home. Everything you bring over the threshold of your house...
How Slow Thinking Can Help Improve Your Personal Finances and Long-Term Income Prospects
Did you know that slow thinking can help you with your bank account balance? I’m serious....
Breaking the Impulse Buy Habit
One of the biggest obstacles to good financial health is the impulse buy. This concept may seem so innocent...a simple purchase here or there...
Change Your Spending Habits to Change Your Life
Maintaining a budget is the first step toward financial’s important to be a good steward of your money. This is a fabulous...
How to Save a Little Bit of Money When You Go Out
Going out with friends to be social and to enjoy new activities is an important way to make sure that we are getting the most out of life and...
How to Afford Anything You Want With Kaizen
Let's start with the question you've probably heard before: If you were given a choice to receive one million dollars in one month's time or...
How Tiny Savings Really Add Up
Want to be much richer than you are right now? Then start putting $1 a day away into a savings account. You can even set up a standing order and that way you'll...
Adding Small Income to Your Income
If you want to be richer, then increasing your salary is just one option. Just as effective can be decreasing your overheads (saving more money), investing your...
Working Smarter Not Harder: An Important Money Mindset
When taking a deep dive into the lack money mindset, one of the biggest indicators is the belief that working hard is the key to...
Are You a Quality or Quantity-Minded Spender?
When you shop, are you all about getting more for your money, or do you prefer to get the most for your money? In this case, more means...
Hazards of a Lack Mentality
Shifting your mindset from a lack mentality to a wealth mentality can feel overwhelming. Generally, people change their behavior when the pain of staying the same...
Help! My Spouse and I Don’t Agree About Finances
Premarital counseling and talking about your finances can prevent a lot of problems. The theory is that talking about big issues before...
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