Stepping Stones

Lessons on Intentional Living with Lisa McGrath

Practice Helps You Get Better at Being Brave

a pilgrimage to self

Practice Helps You Get Better at Being Brave 

 I talk a lot about your inner naysayer, you know, the negative critic that tries to take up residence in your head. That’s because this pesky little voice can cause you big problems throughout your life if you don’t get a handle on it. It can hold you back and keep you from experiencing great things. Staying in your comfort zone is a symptom of listening to that negative self-talk. You’ll find your world expands a great deal when you get a handle on your inner critic.

Breaking free of your inner naysayer and stepping outside of your comfort zone gets easier with practice. Courage isn’t something that comes easily to many of us; however, you can gain more of it with practice. Take a look below to get some ideas of ways in which practice helps you get better at being brave. Your confidence and self-love will soar once you start implementing these strategies into your daily life.

Try Something New Each Day

Tackling one new thing each day is a great way to get used to being brave on a regular basis. Even the smallest new thing inches you further out of your comfort zone than you were the day before. Before long, you’ll gain momentum and you’ll be trying even bigger things. Soon, it will be much easier to move past your comfort zone.

Tackle a Phobia

Something that might be a bit tougher is facing a phobia. It doesn’t have to be a big phobia that causes you real fear. Something like that might be best managed with a professional therapist. However, facing a manageable fear you’ve been avoiding is something most of us can handle safely on our own. Pick up the phone and make a call if you usually avoid talking on the telephone. Go on that roller coaster with your child. Whatever you try, you’ll feel a real sense of accomplishment once it’s done.

Stand for a Cause

Speaking out for something you believe in can be a great way to stretch those bravery muscles. It can be intimidating to put yourself on a limb, especially if important people in your life might disagree. Standing up for something you feel is important can be a real confidence booster. It also shows great integrity.

Learn to Say No

Saying no is something that seems quite simple. However, for many of us, it’s one of the hardest things in the world. Setting any kind of boundary can be tough. This is definitely a good practice if you want to cultivate self-love. It can also be a real show of bravery to learn to say no and set limits with your time and energy. You don’t have to please everyone, and you’ll be so much happier when you’ve reclaimed your time.

Give a few of these strategies a try if you want to get better at being brave. You’ll see your confidence soar, and you’ll be setting a good example for those around you.

Just curious, do you see how these strategies get you on the PATHS to living your Intentional Life? Need help getting on the PATHS? I can guide you through my programs...I have a couple of slots still available for private 1:1 coaching...or you can become a member in A Pilgrimage to Self Lifestyle Coaching online monthly program is an inner journey to find clarity, purpose, and direction. YOU will: 

  • learn life management skills
  • develop self-care, forgiveness, and gratitude practices
  • discover, design, and develop your Intentional Life

Imagine being brave by taking the next step...joining A Pilgrimage to Self, and you'll be guided on your journey to connecting to your authentic self, focus on your goals, and achieving your dreams. Here's your link Lock-in YOUR annual membership plan NOW! 

Until next time...




The life philosophy of A House With Four Rooms suggests thinking of yourself as being four rooms: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual rooms. It advocates for doing something daily for your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

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