Stepping Stones
Intentional Living with Lisa McGrath
Try a Social Media Fast for an Instant Confidence and Happiness Boost
Social media can be a great way to stay connected with friends and family. Unfortunately, it can also be a toxic...
How Social Media Can Kill Your Productivity & Your Happiness
With so many people sheltering in place, they are turning to the Internet for news, distraction, and companionship. How much time...
Is Social Media Causing More Social Comparison?
Social media can be fun. And, it’s not evil. However, spending a great deal of time on social media can cause people to fall into the habit of...
Clean House- Restructure Your Social Media to Boost Confidence
The power of five...we are the sum of the five people we spend the most time with. We are also the sum of the five foods we eat...
How Social Media Can Skew Your Definition of Your Best Life
Social media is a way of life in our modern society...for me, I not only use it to keep in touch with family and friends, but I also use...
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