Stepping Stones

Lessons on Intentional Living with Lisa McGrath

Use Self-Care to Feel Better About Yourself

a house with four rooms a pilgrimage to self confidence self-care

Use Self-Care to Feel Better About Yourself

 Confidence, just like happiness, is an inside game. True confidence comes from a sincere acceptance and love for yourself that isn’t influenced by outside forces. From the inside out, you love and appreciate who and what you are as it ever-evolves into something better. Loving yourself in this way creates space for nurturing when you aren’t feeling your best because no one better than you knows what you need.

 Even the most confident people have bad days. From physical aches and pains to emotional stress, confidence doesn’t excuse you from life’s little setbacks. Confidence does, however, make taking care of yourself a bit easier. This is where self-care comes in.

 Self-care is the art of nurturing and participating in activities that promote wellness, restoration, and balance. Self-care includes, but isn’t limited to, beauty, hygiene, personal interests, artistic outlets, mental health, physical health, and much more. Self-care is recognizing and responding to what your mind and body needs to be its best at any given time. It is the philosophy of A House With Four Rooms to do something daily for your complete well-being.

Let’s take a look at what self-care is:

  • Vital
  • Nourishing
  • Restorative
  • Easy
  • Healing

Let’s take a look at what self-care is not:

  • Frivolous
  • Expensive
  • Selfish
  • Difficult
  • Unnecessary

Confidence comes from knowing yourself and what you want. Confident people are fully aware of what they need to feel refreshed and better about themselves. They also understand the value of self-care and don’t feel guilty about caring for themselves, whether that means taking time alone or spending income on a massage. Their worthiness isn’t tied to the costs for self-care... their health is.

There are different sorts of self-care depending on the need. The Indian proverb, A House With Four Rooms, suggests that you think of yourself as having a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual room and that you must go into each daily to "air" them out by doing something for yourself for your complete well-being. Let’s take a look!

Physical- Physical self-care includes activities such as healthy eating, exercise, and hygienic care. Taking care of yourself may include shopping at a farmer’s market or eating organic. It might look like using high-grade essential oils or buying a titanium bike for your riding hobby. Physically caring for yourself may include monthly spa days or bi-weekly pedicures. Whatever the vehicle for pouring into yourself, it is worth it and it is vital. 

Your Physical Room also includes your physical space: home, work, community, and world. What do you choose to surround yourself with? Make your space contribute to your physical well-being as a way to "airing" out your Physical Room.

Mental- Mental self-care includes expanding your mind; you can do this by including activities such as reading, taking a class, and practicing a new skill. We need to continue to learn new things; as a matter of fact, I like to think of each of us as both teacher and student. We are life-long learners and should invest in our self-development and growth.

Emotional- Emotional self-care includes activities that restore your mental and physical health and give you back the clarity that is lost when overwhelm and anxiety creep in. There are many ways of nurturing your Emotional Room; try meditation and breathing exercises or take a walk in nature. Other activities that help your emotional well-being can be anything from taking in a movie or date-night with your partner or spouse, to having quiet time with calming music. Emotional self-care is as important as any other form of care, and the philosophy of A House With Four Rooms is to "air" out your four metaphorical rooms each day for complete well-being.

Spiritual- Spiritual self-care is the nurturing of your spirit and soul. Depending on your beliefs or your focus, this may include a religious practice, but it also includes the arts, travel, and expanding your social conscience and awareness. For me, I "air" out my Spiritual Room with a prayer practice, meditation, spiritual readings, and sharing the Daily Word from Unity Publications on our Facebook page.

You have the opportunity to practice self-care and follow the philosophy of A House With Four Rooms with the suggestions I've shared in my blog posts, our social media accounts, and my lifestyle coaching membership, A Pilgrimage to Self. YOU deserve reconnecting to your heart's desires to follow your dreams and goals, and for many people, they just need a bit of guidance and accountability to get them on track...A Pilgrimage to Self is that program. 

Remember, confidence comes from within and it is from within we are restored. Confident people place a high premium on self-care and make it an integrated part of their lives. Use self-care to feel better about yourself and to model to others the benefits of caring for yourself so you can better care for those who depend on you.

Until next time...



P.S. If you’d like more information about my private 1:1 coaching or the lifestyle coaching membership, please just reply to this email. I’m happy to answer your questions and see if my programs are a good fit for you.





The life philosophy of A House With Four Rooms suggests thinking of yourself as being four rooms: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual rooms. It advocates for doing something daily for your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Download 10 Secrets for "Airing" Out Your Four Rooms
A Pilgrimage to Self

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