Stepping Stones

Lessons on Intentional Living with Lisa McGrath

Some Days You Don’t Feel Beautiful or Confident & That’s Okay

confidence intentional life self-care

 Some Days You Don’t Feel Beautiful or Confident & That’s Okay

 No matter who you are, you aren’t going to feel confident all the time. Hormones flare, weight fluctuates, and life gets hard. That’s ok. It happens to everyone. The key to off days is having a plan to fall back on when you don’t feel your best. Your plan is essential to living your Intentional Life. The routines and habits you build following the Indian Proverb, A House With Four Rooms, also becomes a foundation for those "off days."

 Maybe you're having a day where nothing in your closet makes sense or someone cuts you off in traffic or your spilling your latte in your lap. No matter the reason, sometimes you just don’t feel pretty or confident. Self-care is the key to managing the emotions that come with not feeling your best. It is important to see it is just a moment in time and the emotions and the situation will change.

 If you train yourself to become aware of your thoughts when you don’t feel confident, you can also train yourself from spiraling out of control. If you recognize that you are not having a great day or having a loss of confidence, you can engage in activities that boost your spirits and your attitude. The key is to pre-plan a ‘safety care plan’ for those times you are not at your best.

 Come up with a list of self-care activities that you can engage in when you know you’re having a bad day. I’ve listed some ideas below.

 Things to boost your spirits when you don’t feel beautiful:

 Dream boards- Not feeling beautiful? Surround yourself with virtual beauty and inspiration. Use a medium like Pinterest to create ‘boards’ that reflect what you find gorgeous. From clothing to shoes to exotic interiors, hone in on your favorite looks and imagine yourself in your virtual closet. The act of collecting images of beautiful things can help you organize your thoughts and help you dial in your personal style.

 Move your body- Movement gets your brain flowing with natural endorphins, which combat the doldrums and help you feel better. If you use an app like Map My Run, you can pick an activity and it will track your distance and the calories burned. I love that my watch calculates my steps and activity.

 Wear your go-to outfit- Everyone has their go-to outfit, the one you wear when all else fails. Always have one or two looks ready when you just aren’t feeling like anything else works. Knowing you have the faithful outfit will help you feel beautiful no matter your mood.

 Call your mom- Your mother or close friends are the perfect people to help you feel beautiful when you simply don’t. They know just what to say and just what to do to lift your spirits. Whether it’s cracking a joke, sending a funny meme, or providing a shoulder to cry on, your go-to person can help you remember your beauty. 

 Get a mani-pedi- Getting a manicure and pedicure is good for the soul. The warm water and the attention and glamor are the antidotes for feeling your best self. Thankfully, you can walk in and get attention easily at most nail salons. I have an appointment today and can't wait for this little inspiration.

 Activities to boost your attitude when you don’t feel confident-

 Rock your playlist- Create a playlist with your favorite music that lifts your spirits and boosts your confidence. Roll down the windows, grab a latte, and sing at the top of your lungs. My "car dancing" has improved over the years, or perhaps I just don't care who sees me, but it sure does have the ability to change my mood!

 Laugh- Laughter really is the best medicine. Watch some stand-up, read some funny memes, or find a humor podcast. Do something to make yourself laugh and feel your confidence return.

Teach someone something- Feeling confident comes from competency. Teach someone something and remind yourself of how capable and valuable you are. This is a powerful suggestion...remember, we are both teacher and student at the same time.

 Walk in the grass- Seriously, take off your shoes and walk in the grass. Walking or ‘grounding’ yourself is an excellent way to reduce stress, calm anxiety, and boost confidence. One of my favorite grounding strategies is to walk on the beach...I love the feel of the sand and the sound of the ocean and of my happy places.

 Catch a movie- Most movies are based on the Hero’s Journey. This is a concept whereby the main character overcomes an obstacle to save the girl, the planet, or the day. Find an epic movie to watch on the big screen, grab some popcorn, and sit back and be inspired to feel more confident. While you're at it, take a pose...come on, imagine you are a superhero. Stand up straight with feet aligned with your shoulders and put your head up and hands-on-hips...strike a superhero pose for greater confidence.

 You don’t always have to look amazing and feel pretty & confident. It’s ok to have a crappy day now and again. But don’t let it stick for more than a day or two. When the bad days come, remember your self-care plan, and kick those negative feelings to the curb.

Until next time...



P.S. An exercise to boost your self-care activities in A Pilgrimage to Self Lifestyle Coaching Membership is to write activities on small slips of paper and roll or fold them up and store them in a pretty box or jar. When you are in a slump, select an activity and take 10...10 minutes to engage and change your mood. Be inspired! 

P.P.S. Are you on the Waitlist for A Pilgrimage to Self? Here's a link:





The life philosophy of A House With Four Rooms suggests thinking of yourself as being four rooms: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual rooms. It advocates for doing something daily for your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Download 10 Secrets for "Airing" Out Your Four Rooms
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