Stepping Stones

Lessons on Intentional Living with Lisa McGrath

Finding a Purpose & Setting Goals Can Help with Confidence

a pilgrimage to self confidence goals purpose

Finding a Purpose & Setting Goals Can Help with Confidence

 Nothing much can get in between someone who is championing a cause...ask me how I know...I go "all in" and passion takes over. Whether personal or global, having a purpose and setting goals to achieve it is a powerful thing. The drive it takes to power through and achieve the outcome builds unshakable confidence along the way.

 Working goals for a purpose creates:

  • Stamina
  • Determination
  • Perseverance
  • Grit

These are game-changing qualities that shift mindsets and abilities from average to extraordinary. People who have developed these sorts of skills are not wall flowers. Their grit and determination levels them up to a new playing field.

Sometimes the goals are set by you:

Sometimes you want change so badly, you set goals that require you to dig deep and do hard things to accomplish the quest. If you'd like to be in on this quest with me, sign up for the VIP Waitlist for my coaching program: A Pilgrimage to Self. Here's a link:

Your purpose may be weight loss, getting a degree, opening a business, or improving your credit score. These goals may seem out of reach, but with the right mindset and hard work, they are achievable. As my mentor, Stu, says, "We're better together."

Sometimes the goals are set for you:

From a work situation that must be completed to a health scare that requires you to focus and set goals, sometimes you aren’t looking to be the person who can do these things, but you have no choice. These goals may seem unfair and punitive, but like any other goal, they are achievable and once you do, you won’t believe the confidence they produce. And I want you to know that YOU do not have to go on this journey of change alone...let me guide you with a personal journey and plan...I only open my coaching program, A Pilgrimage to Self, a couple times a make sure you're on my VIP Waitlist...use this link now:

Sometimes the stakes are enticing:

Sometimes the outcomes are incredibly motivating. From a new body emerging from lifting weights to learning to walk with a prosthesis, you can be highly motivated to get in there and succeed. If you are thrilled to be chasing the goal, get in there and do what must be done and take the prize. With my program, I'm not just a cheerleader because I will ask you the hard questions, push you forward, and be your accountability partner...I want YOU to succeed!

Sometimes the stakes are high:

Sometimes failure leads to something big. A huge loss - or worse, not making the goal - can have worse consequences than you’d like so you are called to work harder to ensure you don’t fail. Use that fear to motivate you and watch the motivation turn into confidence.

Sometimes you want to give up, in a word: DON’T. You can, and you will! Just put your head down and do the work. Do it. Feel it. Work it. Earn it. And know that YOU do NOT have to go on this journey alone! Let me guide you...I'm opening my coaching program one last time for 2019 on Sept. 23rd...join me and get a jump start on the new year! Here's the link again:

Setting goals and working towards a purpose takes a lot of energy and determination and working through the obstacles builds the grit and grace needed to persevere and dig deep. The PATH of Self-Awareness is the focus of the first month in my program. The feeling that comes from doing whatever it takes is a wonderful building block for self-esteem and confidence.

Are YOU ready to transform YOUR life? Get on the VIP Waitlist and I'll send you insider information and updates...use this link:

And don't forget to circle September 23rd on YOUR Calendar!

Until next time,









The life philosophy of A House With Four Rooms suggests thinking of yourself as being four rooms: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual rooms. It advocates for doing something daily for your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Download 10 Secrets for "Airing" Out Your Four Rooms
A Pilgrimage to Self

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A Pilgrimage to Self is a Self-Paced Monthly Membership covering a variety of topics for successful life management.

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