Stepping Stones

Lessons on Intentional Living with Lisa McGrath

Don’t Forget to Rest & Recharge

habits intentional life routines

Don’t Forget to Rest & Recharge

 It may seem counter-intuitive but taking a rest can actually help you get more done. That’s because building in time to rest your body and your mind allows you to feel rejuvenated and more energized, leading to high productivity. Working yourself to the bone eventually leads to high stress levels and burnout. Making rest and relaxation a habit can actually improve your life in countless ways. So, don’t forget to rest and recharge. Follow these tips:

Why It’s Important

Making leisure a habit enhances your physical and mental performance in the long run. It keeps you from overdoing it in any one area and becoming burnt out. You’re no good to anyone if you’re in a frazzled state and feeling overwhelmed. Taking a break now and then isn’t sufficient, though. In order to get the best results, it’s important that you work fun and relaxation into your regular schedule and make it a routine. This isn’t as difficult as it may seem.

Benefits of Rest and Rejuvenation

When you rest, you recharge your body and your mind. You’ll also improve both your physical and mental health...think of it like putting fuel in a car. Taking regular breaks gives you the energy you need to keep going. It also alleviates stress, which is beneficial in so many ways. Lessening your stress can even prolong your life. By taking time to recharge in whatever ways you choose, you’re giving your brain time to reset. Your thoughts will become less jumbled, and your focus will improve after a period of rest. You’ll simply feel better all around. Your mood will lift, and you’ll have more of yourself to give to your job, loved ones, and personal pursuits.

How to Do It

There are lots of things you can do to decompress. A long vacation to a far-away place doesn’t have to be on the agenda in order to relax and unwind. ..even the smallest daily actions can make a difference. Deep breathing is something that costs you nothing, and you can do it anywhere. Just take a deep breath from your diaphragm, allowing the air to expand your stomach. Then hold it for a count of ten. Do this a few times and allow your body to relax. It’s easy. Even going for a short walk can help, especially in a nature setting, but anywhere will do. Exercise is some people’s way of rejuvenating themselves, though it doesn’t have to be for everyone. Meditation is a lovely way to ground yourself in the present and remove negative thoughts from your mind. You might take a nap or spend time doing a hobby you love as a way to chill out. Visit with friends. Join a club or sports team. Disconnect from electronics and social media for a bit. Have some fun.

Any of these things can help you to recharge and rejuvenate your spirit. Just being proactive and taking time for yourself in some way will help to achieve some wonderful benefits. Give some of these ideas a try or any of the 50 ROUTINES I share in my latest ebook, The Power of Every Day Routine (download for free at, and see how you feel. Try to make them a habit in order to reap the most deserve to live your best Intentional Life.

Until next time...




The life philosophy of A House With Four Rooms suggests thinking of yourself as being four rooms: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual rooms. It advocates for doing something daily for your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

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