Stepping Stones

Lessons on Intentional Living with Lisa McGrath

Create Habits That Help You Focus and Make the Most of Your Time

habits routines

 Create Habits That Help You Focus and Make the Most of Your Time

 I've learned that being productive and efficient can help you be more successful in your work and personal lives. It’s hard to get things done, though, when there are so many distractions in our busy lives...ask me how I know! Plus, we place a lot of pressure on ourselves to be perfect, which can end up backfiring and causing us to actually accomplish less. There are ways you can conquer your own internal demons and the outside distractions that threaten to hold you back, and that’s to create new habits that help you focus and make the most of your time. Below, you’ll find a few examples of some of the best.

Make Lists

Your to-do list is one such list that can help up your productivity. Make one every morning to lay out your most important tasks for the day and as I mentioned yesterday, start by doing the top three items that will move you closer to your goals, and then check them off as you complete them. You can make all kinds of other helpful lists, too. Consider writing a list of goals you hope to complete in the short and long-term. A list of the people who are most supportive in your life can be affirming and remind you to get in touch with them more frequently. You get the idea.

Limit Distractions

We’re pulled in a million different directions by distractions such as social media, emails, and texts. Limit these distractions by getting in the habit of checking these things only at certain times in the day. You can use an app to block certain sites if you find you can’t create limits on your own. Once you get used to your new routine, you’ll find you’ll get so much more done.

Take Notes

Our brains have the amazing ability to hold a great deal of information. However, sorting through that sea of data and retrieving the important bits can be difficult. Rather than try to keep everything stored in your mind, have a place to keep notes when a great idea comes to you. You can carry a small notebook with you or employ an app to hold ideas and links; I've got a sticky notes app and notebook apps that help me stay organized . The choice is yours. By doing this, you’ll free up more brain power for managing the other important tasks in your life.

Drop Perfection

One of the most impactful ways you can be satisfied with your life and accomplish more meaningful things is to drop the idea of perfection. Perfectionism holds you back and keeps you stuck in an impossible loop. Instead, embrace the idea of making mistakes and putting more out into the world. Mistakes provide opportunity for growth. Check out my blog post about perfectionism:

So next time you’re feeling overwhelmed by perfectionism, remind yourself that getting it done is more important than making it perfect.

These are some of the top habits you can employ to make the most of your time. You’ll find you’re happier and more content when you’re being productive. These tips should help you make progress moving forward with your Intentional Life

 Until next time...



P.S. Have you downloaded my latest ebook, The Power of Every Day Routine? Here's a link to share with family and friends:


The life philosophy of A House With Four Rooms suggests thinking of yourself as being four rooms: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual rooms. It advocates for doing something daily for your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

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