Stepping Stones

Lessons on Intentional Living with Lisa McGrath

Why Striving for Perfection Is Holding You Back

Why Striving for Perfection Is Holding You Back

 In several blog posts I’ve discussed the ways in which perfectionism can lead to procrastination. The cycle goes much deeper than simply not getting things done. Striving for constant perfection can hold you back in so many ways and keep you from living the fulfilling life you seek. It’s important to understand the ways in which this characteristic can be damaging so that you can make a plan to overcome the habit. Let’s take a look at just some of the reasons your perfectionism is holding you back.

Added Stress

We all have enough stress in our lives. Perfectionism adds more and it’s unnecessary. Save your worry for the important things. Excessive stress has been shown to contribute to a number of health problems, not to mention the anxiety it causes. Try to keep that in mind the next time you’re feeling burdened by your own extreme standards.

Interrupts Growth

In order to be our best, it’s important that we grow and learn on a regular basis. Perfectionism keeps you from encountering new learning opportunities because you become stuck in the trap of procrastination. You’re stalling your own development by insisting that everything be perfect. Try to be gentle on yourself. Say yes to new opportunities, even when you think you might fail. It’s the only way you can truly grow.

Damages Self-Esteem

When you set perfectionist standards for yourself that are impossible to meet, you’re setting yourself up for failure. When that inevitable failure arrives, you feel bad about yourself. It’s a cycle that is incredibly damaging to your sense of self-esteem, and it’s likely to prevent you from striving for major goals in the future.

Impedes Authenticity

When you seek perfection, you’re usually striving to meet society’s standards or those of your inner circle. Chances are, you aren’t being true to yourself and to who you really are. Living for the expectations of others is exhausting. It wears you down physically and emotionally. It also prevents you from being vulnerable and showing the world your authenticity. Letting go of the need to be perfect and to be good enough frees you up to be the person you were meant to be. That can be incredibly liberating.

Keep these things in mind when working to break the perfectionist habit. Living your best life can only happen when you put yourself out there. Don’t let perfectionism hold you back any longer.

As a life coach, I mentor women that are learning to give up the perfection and make progress on living their Intentional Lives...what would your life look like if you had me as your accountability partner? Let’s talk!

Until next time...


 P.S. This pandemic has created an opportunity for us to examine our lives; many women have stretched their imaginations and used innovative ways to carry on, and they’ve realized they want and deserve something more. A Pilgrimage to Self is a monthly online coaching program helping women to break through the blocks that hold them back from living their best lives. If you’d like more for yourself, take the next step by joining here:

The life philosophy of A House With Four Rooms suggests thinking of yourself as being four rooms: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual rooms. It advocates for doing something daily for your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

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