Stepping Stones

Lessons on Intentional Living with Lisa McGrath

Using Pinterest to Create Your Confidence Vision

a pilgrimage to self confidence vision boards

 Using Pinterest to Create Your Confidence Vision

There are times when the term ‘fake it ‘till you make it’ really comes in handy. When you are in the dreaming stages, anything is possible, even when nothing is real at the moment and I believe in dreaming and living large! Social media is a great way to be inspired by the lives and actions of others. One social media platform, Pinterest, is an excellent way to build your confidence.

Pinterest uses images that inspire, ignite creativity, and engage the viewer. Usually the ‘pins’ include active links to blog posts, recipes, or land somewhere that has value. You can organize your pins into folders that represent anything you can conceive. Pinterest is a great tool to gather inspiration into one space and use the imagery to motivate, set goals, teach, and organize thoughts.

Getting a clear vision:

In the self-help world, vision boards are a visual way to display images that represent what the creator wants to be, do, or have; matter of fact, one of the lessons in my coaching membership, A Pilgrimage to Self, is about Vision Boards.

The activity of creating a vision board usually includes cutting images or powerful words out of magazines and pasting them to a large poster board or inside a journal. The concept is that looking at the vision board on a regular basis will set an intention and whether through prayer, law of attraction, hard work, or some other means, the material items and longings of the heart will appear.

Whether or not you believe you must see it to achieve it or not, there is power in collecting ideas, images, and concepts that put you in a positive mindset and create desire and drive. Pinterest is a tool that can help.

Here are some fabulous ways to use Pinterest to create your confidence vision:

Start by sorting out the boards you want to fill. Label your boards to reflect areas of confidence you want to have in your life. Ideas such as:

  • Mind
  • Body
  • Spirit
  • Family
  • Career
  • Finances

Use the key word search to find related pins that represent the categories you have created. An example might be:

Category: Career

Keywords: Careers in finance

Likely your search will result in a page filled with images, links, and information about careers in finance. Once you have narrowed down your search, you can go even deeper by looking at the pins that are associated with the pin you have selected. Over time, your search will become highly refined. You can even create subsets that support your main interest. An idea might be:

Category: Career

Folder: Careers in finance

Sub Categories: Career clothes, degrees in finance, finance workshops, leaders in finance

Once you begin to hone in on what you enjoy in all areas of life, Pinterest uses their algorithms to send you suggestions to further expand your folders.

Overall, Pinterest is a fun and playful tool that allows you to create a vision for your confidence and the things that light your fire. Consider using the platform to expand your mind and set some new goals.

 This is a fun exercise and sets your intentions for designing your Intentional Life. How would YOU like to discover, design, and develop the action steps to move YOU forward to living YOUR Intentional Life?  The opportunity to join me on a sacred journey...your personal Pilgrimage to Self, is coming up very soon. I'll be opening my coaching program one last time for September 23rd on your calendar. 

Each month we move along the PATHS of Self-Awareness, Forgiveness, Gratitude, Motivation, Intentions, etc. to discover, design, and develop a personal plan for living an Intentional Life.

A Pilgrimage to Self is a lifestyle coaching program; not only are there exercises and lessons to help move you forward, but there are coaching calls, personal accountability, Question and Answer sessions, expert interviews, member spotlights, a private community, and so much more! This really is a personal program to help you live YOUR best life...your Intentional Life.

If you're not on the VIP Waitlist, please take a moment now and sign up; you will receive information and updates via email:

If you have been following me, then you know that when I started blogging, my posts were sporadic. It wasn't until my mentor challenged me to have something posted daily last December that I made the effort and I took some of the content from my coaching program to use in my posts. These posts are like stepping stones on the PATHS I guide members on in my coaching program, A Pilgrimage to Self, and I want YOU to join me on a sacred journey to discover, design, and develop your Intentional Life.

Until next time...


P.S. Share a picture of your Vision Board at








The life philosophy of A House With Four Rooms suggests thinking of yourself as being four rooms: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual rooms. It advocates for doing something daily for your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Download 10 Secrets for "Airing" Out Your Four Rooms
A Pilgrimage to Self

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