Stepping Stones

Lessons on Intentional Living with Lisa McGrath

Think Before You Speak and Other Ways Slow Thinking Will Help You in Everyday Life

slow thinking

Think Before You Speak and Other Ways Slow Thinking Will Help You in Everyday Life 

 We live in a time of instant gratification and constant reachability. The end result is that acting fast and thinking quickly has become our default reaction. This used to not always be the case. Just a generation or two ago, thinking slowly and being more deliberate in what we did was the norm. Can you even remember a time without the internet, social media, and the technology we have today?

 Think Before You Speak 

 You’ve probably heard this piece of advice from your mother or grandmother. All too often we speak our mind without considering how what we say sounds to others and how it may affect them. Words can hurt both others and us. A harsh word in the wrong situation, or a bit of gossip heard by the wrong person, can harm our reputation or hurt someone we love. Get in the habit to stop and think about what you’re about to say. Not only will this help you avoid putting your foot in your mouth, it also helps you express your thoughts more clearly, making you look good in the process. 

 Think Before You React 

 How often have you had a knee jerk reaction that you regretted later? It’s easy to give into strong emotions like anger or fear in the heat of the moment. This can cause you to say or do something that you’ll later regret. Take a deep breath, count to ten, and do whatever it takes to stop and think for a moment before you react. In some cases, it doesn’t hurt to have a good night's sleep before you respond to something. Your perspective may have changed once you’ve gained a bit of distance. It’s the power of the pause so that you can choose how you respond.

 Think Before You Spend 

 This one’s a biggie for many of us and something that gets us into trouble when we don’t do it. It’s thinking about what we want to spend our hard-earned money on. Don’t give in to those impulse buys. Give yourself a little time to think about any purchase you make. What do you really want or need? Not only will it keep you from wasting money, you’ll also end up with less stuff cluttering up your home or office. As a bonus, you’ll actually have the funds for the stuff you really want. 

 Think Before You Quit or Commit 

 Here’s another quick tip for you. Take a little time to think about whether or not you want to do something before you either quit or commit to something new. We all get excited and frustrated with the things we do at times. It’s easy to jump into a new obligation because it sounds fun at the time. It’s also easy to call something quits after a rough day or two. Take a moment to slow down and think things through. Don’t get swept up in the moment and make a decision that you’ll regret later. 

 I hope these quick tips to encourage you to spend a little time slowing down and thinking about what you’re about to do will help you in all areas of your life going forward. 

Going forward in a positive direction is the optimal way of living an Intentional Life and achieving your goals. Over the course of the last year, I developed an exclusive coaching program that has accelerated the accomplishments of my clients called Achieve with UNLIMITED Laser Coaching...and for Valentine’s Day, I’m offering readers the opportunity to love on themselves with a $1000 off the 6 month program Use coupon code VALENTINE to Achieve UNLIMITED Laser Coaching.

Until next time...


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