Stepping Stones

Lessons on Intentional Living with Lisa McGrath

The Power of Positive Change

a pilgrimage to self change intentional life

 The Power of Positive Change

 Change is a word that triggers an immediate feeling - depending on your experiences. If you’ve had a change that was unexpected and unwelcome, the thought of change might create feelings of unease, discomfort, and worry. I know I've felt that way several times in my life. And like me, you may have tied panic to the thought of change. If you’ve experienced positive change, you may find that the idea of change is exciting, full of opportunity, and feel thrilled at the chance to make a change.

 Positive changes have magical powers. Okay, you may not call it magic, but I know they do have the potential to do some very powerful things - like reduce or eliminate depression. In many ways, change is very good for your mental health. Choosing to make changes can shift depression and increase your confidence through the power of choices.

 Feeling stuck can cause depression

 Lots of people feel stuck. They feel bogged down by life. They may even be experiencing unwanted and unwelcome changes that deepen their feelings of being unable to run their own lives. That can easily morph into situational depression.

 Note: Situational depression is the natural response to events or situations that cause pain or anxiety. Situational depression differs from clinical depression as it can usually be alleviated by addressing the situation at hand.

 When things feel bogged down or overwhelming, it can seem as though nothing can be done to make things better. That it would take magic, a miracle, or someone else to get out of the situation. Depression sees the issue as unsolvable - which feels really bad.

 There is power in positive change

 The truth is there is power in positive change. You have the ability to make change - even the tiniest change - no matter what. Over time, making positive change battles depression and creates confidence and freedom from what may have felt hopeless.
Making changes that alleviate your fear, worry, or improve the situation creates confidence. The small changes add up and create solutions and new and better situations. This builds over time and the more positive change you see, the more confidence you have.

 Making positive change also creates freedom. In all situations, you have the power to choose something. From how you react to the change to what you choose to do about it, you have the freedom to choose. The more your positive choices mix with your newfound confidence, the more freedom you are likely to feel. This helps battle depression as you take your life back and create the experience you want.

 There is power in positive change. In even the worst situation, there are opportunities that can help alleviate depression and offer you choices. Take your power and watch your emotional health improve right along with your situation. 

I've seen the magic happen in my lifestyle coaching program, A Pilgrimage to Self. 

Jean's story is so familiar to many of a dedicated wife and mother, she lost herself in her family and work. And even though life was happy and filled with love, family, and gratitude, she had a personal moment that changed her life forever.  One morning, as she prepared for work, she turned towards the bathroom mirror and met herself...face to face. She took an honest look and saw herself...she said, "It was like seeing myself for the first time. I didn't recognize myself. I didn't recognized myself because my weight had crept up over the years, and I hadn't paid attention."

In that moment, Jean made the decision to change...she decided to make her personal development a priority and made a commitment with A Pilgrimage to Self. After discovering her intentions, she designed a plan and developed her next best steps. At this time, she has lost over 60 lbs. on her journey...and her pilgrimage continues as she connects her mind, body, and spirit.

Are you going to join Jean by awakening your authentic self with A Pilgrimage to Self?  I only open my lifestyle coaching program a couple times per year...and registration opens TOMORROW! And if you're on the VIP Waitlist, there are BONUSES!!!! Here's a link to get on the Waitlist:

I'll be guiding new members on their personal journeys...I want to be your guide on A Pilgrimage to Self.

Until next time...



P.S. If you have any questions about my lifestyle coaching program, feel free to reach out to me...message, email, or comment and I'll get back to you!




The life philosophy of A House With Four Rooms suggests thinking of yourself as being four rooms: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual rooms. It advocates for doing something daily for your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Download 10 Secrets for "Airing" Out Your Four Rooms
A Pilgrimage to Self

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