Stepping Stones

Lessons on Intentional Living with Lisa McGrath

The Continuous Improvement Approach of Kaizen

a pilgrimage to self kaizen

 The Continuous Improvement Approach of Kaizen

Why Big Goals Fail

If you could change anything about your life, what would it be? Perhaps you'd be stronger, perhaps you'd be thinner, maybe you'd be richer, or maybe you'd just be happier…

Those are all great goals but chances are that you've had these goals since you were first an adult and quite possibly you're no closer to achieving them now than you were when you first turned 18. This is the case for many people because guess what? We all want those things.

The problem is that these goals are too big, too daunting and too abstract and that's why we never achieve them. But there is another way.

If You Could… You Would!

Continuous improvement, sometimes referred to as Kaizen, means making lots of changes all the time that only have a small impact on your goals and on the quality of your life – but which will ultimately result in large beneficial changes.

Say you want to lose weight. What you might then do is decide that you're going to start running every day for forty minutes and that you're going to cut out all your day time snacking. Sounds great doesn't it?

Except it's really not that simple. Because if you had the energy that you would need in order to be that active every evening, then you would already be exercising. Think about it: do you feel like you have tons of free time? Or tons of free energy?

The answer is probably not. So adding on 200-280 minutes of exercise and removing some of your fuel isn't exactly going to be an easy and straightforward objective. You still will be too busy, too stressed and too tired to do anything else… and so you'll really struggle to suddenly just add a huge commitment on top of everything else.

The Continuous Improvement Approach

Instead then, think about setting yourself lots of smaller goals that will impact on every aspect of your life. That means perhaps just removing one item of junk food from your lunch box. Going to bed 30 minutes earlier maybe. Then maybe starting to add in one jogging session a week.

This way you've taken very small, very manageable steps. But what you've also done is created the space and the energy necessary to start doing that little bit of running.

The best bit? These changes are cumulative. Make a few small ones and you'll start moving much faster towards your personal goals!

The practice of Kaizen is taught in A Pilgrimage to Self Lifestyle Coaching Membership because it is an effective strategy for Designing and Living an Intentional Life. Through small actionable steps, members move forward and make progress on their personal goals. As their guide and accountability partner, I provide monthly content, exercises, and knowledge that become essential stepping stones to achieving an Intentional Life

As members, Pilgrims, of A Pilgrimage to Self, learn to Design an Intentional Life based on meaning and purpose, passions and dreams, as well as aspirations and goals. But that's not all, Pilgrims learn to release self-doubt, overwhelm, and chaos that floods their ordinary lives. 

Our program only opens a few times a year, but we do have a Waitlist that you can subscribe to for information, updates, and bonuses. Here's the link:

Take a few moments today to think about the ways you can apply the technique of Kaizen to your life.

Until nest time...



 P.S. We are celebrating Mother's Day with A Pilgrimage to Self Lifestyle Coaching Membership...we're welcoming new members for 24 HOURS Only on MAY 12th! I hope you'll be joining us!

The life philosophy of A House With Four Rooms suggests thinking of yourself as being four rooms: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual rooms. It advocates for doing something daily for your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Download 10 Secrets for "Airing" Out Your Four Rooms
A Pilgrimage to Self

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