Stepping Stones

Lessons on Intentional Living with Lisa McGrath

Tapping into Some Benefits of Daily Journaling


Some Benefits You are Tapping into After a Month of Daily Journaling

 Wow! Can you believe it’s been nearly a month since we started our journaling journey together? You’ve learned a great deal. Today, I’d like to talk about the benefits that journaling offers and to encourage you to determine which ones resonate most with you. Perhaps you’ll even come up with some of your own that aren’t on this list. When you begin to understand the clear advantages that keeping a journal can offer you, it will be easier to stick with your practice. You can remind yourself of these if you ever feel like taking a break from your practice. Read on to discover some of the top benefits of regular journaling.

Achieve Your Goals

One of the top benefits of journaling is that it helps you to clarify and reach your goals. When you write down the things you desire, it’s easier to make a plan and stick with it. In addition, writing your dreams down is likely to help motivate you. You’ll soon see yourself following through with more things and finding the success you’ve been seeking.

Stress Less

Getting your worries out on paper is a great way to start to feel less stress. You won’t be carrying those problems around in your head and ruminating on them as much when you write them in your journal. In addition, the act of writing is a wonderful way to process all the things that have been on your mind. You’ll probably come up with solutions to some of those things that have been nagging at you, leading you to feel less worried and stressed.

Inspire Creativity

Journaling through writing, drawing, creating collages, or other methods is a definite spark for creativity. Once you begin one type of creative endeavor, you’ll find that you’re motivated to do more. If you’re an artist or writer, but have felt stuck, journaling might be just the inspiration you’ve been hoping for to boost your creativity and to start expressing your art more.

Make Improvements

Journaling can help you to make improvements in several aspects of your life. If you need to heal from past difficulties, writing out your feelings can lead to peace of mind. It can even help to make your relationships better when you’re able to process emotions through journaling. Getting a handle on issues that have troubled you and making progress toward your goals can also lead to better self-confidence. When you reflect on your life, you can make intentional choices to move on and forward in the direction of your dreams.

Take note of the ways you feel better since you’ve begun journaling in the past month.

These are merely some of the benefits that keeping a journal every day can offer you. Feel free to make a list of your own to help motivate you on the days you may not feel like sitting down with your journal. Reflect on these benefits to help you understand just how far you’ve come already. Keep it up. You’re doing great!

Until next time...



The life philosophy of A House With Four Rooms suggests thinking of yourself as being four rooms: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual rooms. It advocates for doing something daily for your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

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