Stepping Stones

Lessons on Intentional Living with Lisa McGrath

Let’s Talk About Change!

a pilgrimage to self intentional life

Let’s Talk About Change! 

Change is an inevitable part of life. Clinging to what is will not prevent or equip you to manage what will be. Diligence can affect change, but it will not prevent it from happening. If you resist change, that’s scary news. If you love change, it’s part of the thrill. 

Loving or loathing change is often tied to a few things: 

  • Frequency and intensity of change
  • Types of change
  • Experiences during change

 The frequency of change makes an impact. Too much, too soon can rattle you and make you apprehensive. The intensity can also play a part in how you react to change. Not all changes are bad, but they aren’t all good either. Not all change is against your will but not all change is something you signed up for. How often you’ve experienced change and the intensity can create a predisposition to resist or embrace seasons of change.

 The word change may excite or scare you. This is tied to your personal experience with the significant changes you have faced in life so far. There are types of change that are fun and improve your life, like redecorating a room or making an upwardly mobile career move. AND there are types of change that are life-altering and devastating, like an unexpected death or divorce. Each of these issues is a change, but they carry very different experiences. Your comfort level with change is generally tied to how many positive experiences you have had, tempered with how many negative changes you’ve had to manage.

 Believe it or not, a negative change doesn’t guarantee a negative experience. It is entirely possible to go through what someone might call a bad experience and not have too bad of a reaction. Everyone is different. How they perceive and experience change is tied to many factors: 

  • Their personal disposition
  • Their support system
  • Their morals and values
  • Their resiliency muscles
  • And more

 This blog series is designed to explore change - all sorts of change - and get you looking at change in a whole new way. This is important as we prepare for a new year...a new decade. We will explore how to manage unwanted change, create change where you’d like some, and how to help your family be less averse to change.

 Change is going to happen. Some of it you’ll choose with intention and some of it you’ll react to out of necessity. Either way, you can embrace change as part of life and be ready when it comes. 

It's not necessary to navigate the paths of change alone. When you find yourself at a crossroads, whether due to changes in family dynamics, change of circumstances, or recovery from health issues or substance addictions, reach out for guidance. For some of us, an accountability partner helps keep us on track and allows us to move on and forward with designing an Intentional Life.

Circle December 16th on your registration begins for A Pilgrimage to Self Lifestyle Coaching Program. You'll have the benefits of the monthly masterclasses, Q & A sessions, heart-centered coaching, and guest interviews. A Pilgrimage to Self follows the Indian Proverb, A House With Four Rooms by strengthening your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Let's talk about change...change that celebrates self-awareness, goals, self-care, confidence, mindset, success, and an Intentional Life and experience the extraordinary!

Until next time...



P.S. Today we celebrate Thanksgiving in the United States, and my family has a tradition of sharing what they are most thankful for and reflecting on the year. This is a precursor to our New Year’s traditions of writing out our intentions for the year...New Year’s Resolutions. I’ve been so lucky in my life and have the greatest appreciation for all of my blessings...including the opportunity to share my life with such magnificent people that truly have become my family. I am extremely grateful for the many readers, followers, and program members that have helped change my life...the God Whispers that led me to create this blog, write my books, and bring my lifestyle coaching membership online have created the biggest change in my life...thank you for being a part of this change. Happy Thanksgiving!






The life philosophy of A House With Four Rooms suggests thinking of yourself as being four rooms: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual rooms. It advocates for doing something daily for your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Download 10 Secrets for "Airing" Out Your Four Rooms
A Pilgrimage to Self

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