Stepping Stones

Lessons on Intentional Living with Lisa McGrath

How's Your 'Bucket List'?

a pilgrimage to self intentional life

 How's Your 'Bucket List'?

You’ve probably heard of the term “bucket list.” I've mentioned the idea of compiling a personal bucket list before and that I got the idea from one of my favorite movies because I love the premise of living life to the fullest and making dreams come true. The movie was made popular by Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson and has maintained relative visibility among western culture. What you may not have considered is whether you should start your own list and how it could benefit you to do so. Creating a bucket list and checking things off can be a way to stretch yourself and to push you toward living your best life by achieving the things you’ve always dreamed about, but otherwise might never accomplish. Take a look at this summary of what a bucket list is, its benefits, and how you can start your own.

What It Is

The concept of a bucket list is simple. It’s just a list of the things you hope to do before you die. It can be as simple or as extensive as you like. It is wise to dream big when you’re coming up with your bucket list, though. The point is to stretch your comfort zone and to push yourself to reach for lofty goals. It’s easy to start your bucket list. Just write down whatever comes to mind. Be as wild and crazy as you’d like. You can always refine your list later. Brainstorming allows you to think across various life contexts and to be sure you’re making your list as comprehensive as possible.

Bucket List Benefits

There are actually lots of benefits to writing a bucket list. It helps to take you outside of your everyday norms. As we’ve discovered, getting stuck in a rut can take its toll on your happiness, overall well-being, and quality of life. Shaking things up by intentionally coming up with a wish list lets you have something to reach for and encourages growth. The simple act of creating a list can be quite eye opening. It can reveal patterns that provide insight into your core values and what’s most important to you. Your bucket list also lets you get creative and to refocus on your goals during times when we get stuck in the mundane patterns of day to day survival. Plus, a bucket list is just fun.

Get Started Today

It’s easy to get started with your list. Just sit down with a pen and paper or your computer and start jotting down whatever comes to mind when you think of the things you’d like to do with your life. Try to make it big. Stretch your imagination. If your list seems overwhelming or out of control, try refining it a bit. You can take things off completely or you can choose your top three to five items to focus on. You may even wish to create multiple lists for various time frames or periods in your life, rather than sticking with one lifetime list.

Get creative. This list is yours and yours alone. You can share it if you’d like, which can be a lot of fun. Just know that the point of your bucket list is to excite and motivate you. Use it as a springboard to do all you set your mind to.

Some of the items I have included on my personal bucket list include:

  • travel adventures to Africa for a safari
  • another pilgrimage on the Camino de Santiago
  • cruise the world
  • learn to speak another language
  • become a playwright
  • speak on the Tedx stage
  • write a bestselling book
  • visit all of the National Parks

What are some items on your list? What steps are you taking to make your bucket list a reality?

Right now, my Lifestyle Coaching Membership, A Pilgrimage to Self, is open for enrollment for the last time in 2019. The benefits of the coaching membership include get to share your dreams...your bucket list...and then design a plan to make it happen!

If you're interested in joining, don't delay because the doors close at midnight on September 27th. Another benefit of joining now, is that you lock in your exclusive pricing...this means that even when the cost of the program goes up in the future, your fees never increase.

Here's a link to the exclusive yearly pricing option:

There are many other benefits, including heart-centered coaching,   Q & A Sessions, lifestyle expert interviews, and a private members' only community.

Let me know if you have any questions...this is a great opportunity to take care of yourself and get on the PATH to your Intentional Life before the holiday season.

Until next time...



P.S. Use this link to enroll NOW:



The life philosophy of A House With Four Rooms suggests thinking of yourself as being four rooms: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual rooms. It advocates for doing something daily for your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Download 10 Secrets for "Airing" Out Your Four Rooms
A Pilgrimage to Self

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