Stepping Stones

Lessons on Intentional Living with Lisa McGrath

Five Healthy Habits to Get You Moving More

a pilgrimage to self habits intentional life


 Five Healthy Habits to Get You Moving More

 Physical activity is good for you. Sure, you know this, but who has time to go to the gym? Making time for regular exercise is probably best in the long run, but even small changes to your daily activity levels can make a difference. There are things you can do that won’t interfere with your schedule and can easily be added to your regular routine. Check out these five healthy habits to get you moving more.

Take the Stairs

You’ve probably heard this one before, but that’s because it works. Take the stairs instead of the elevator whenever possible. These extra steps throughout your day add up. It doesn’t take much longer to walk up the stairs, and the cardio workout you get is well worth it. Starting out can be tough if you’ve been sedentary for a while, so do leave some extra time and go slow. Soon, you’ll start to notice that taking the stairs requires less effort.

Park Far Away

Another tried and true method for adding physical activity to your day is to park far away from buildings. Choose a spot at the far end of the parking lot and prepare to walk to your destination. Try this at work, the mall, appointments, and anywhere you drive. The extra steps really do add up and can improve your fitness.

Move While Watching TV

If you’re a TV watcher, you’ve got time for exercise. Walking in place while binging on Netflix will still allow you to follow the plot of your favorite shows. A treadmill or stationary bike will work, as well. You might choose to do a more active exercise like sit ups, planks, or burpees if you have commercial breaks. Using this time wisely kills two birds with one stone.

Take a Detour

There are tons of ways you can add extra steps to your day if you get creative and think outside the box. Just like parking in the far end of the lot requires you to walk further, this same concept works well for indoors, too. At work, you can walk to the further restroom instead of choosing the one closest to your office. Grab coffee from another station or vending machine that’s a further walk. Even heading to the copier on the other side of the building will help. You probably make lots of short trips that could be lengthened throughout your day.

Pick Up the Pace

Finally, consider moving a little faster. This small change can really amp up your fitness level. You don’t have to sprint, but a brisk walk helps to strengthen your legs, improve your cardio, and burn more calories. Give it a try when walking from the car. You can try it when running errands or walking on your lunch break, too. Simply picking up the pace when you walk is a great way to sneak in extra exercise benefits.

See? These simple habits won’t really cause you to make any noticeable changes to your routine. They’re sneaky ways to get big results when it comes to your fitness level and health. Give them a try today.

Until next time...


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The life philosophy of A House With Four Rooms suggests thinking of yourself as being four rooms: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual rooms. It advocates for doing something daily for your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

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