Stepping Stones

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Could a Daily Meditation Habit Help You Feel Better and Stay Productive?

a pilgrimage to self habits intentional life

 Could a Daily Meditation Habit Help You Feel Better and Stay Productive?

 Meditation has seen a rise in popularity in recent years. This practice in mindfulness has been around for centuries because of the spiritual, personal, and emotional benefits it offers. If you’ve been curious about meditation, now may be a good time to consider giving it a try. It’s a simple activity that can provide you with tremendous results. A daily meditation habit can help you both to feel better and stay productive. Keep reading to learn how it works.

Meditation and Productivity

Meditation really doesn’t have to be complicated at all. It’s quite simple and involves reaching a state in which you clear your mind and think about nothing. You remain in the present moment. It can be challenging to put all the worries, stressors, and to-do lists out of our thoughts for a while.  It’s important to understand, though, that a meditation session doesn’t have to be long in order to be beneficial. Simply taking five minutes to sit quietly and clear your mind can be enough to make a difference in how you feel. It can improve your creativity because it teaches you to rid your thoughts of all that is unnecessary.

Benefits of Meditation

The key is that you must make meditation a practice...a routine... in order to gain the most benefits. You’ll notice improvement in a number of areas when you train your brain to focus in this way. Simply taking a few minutes daily to center yourself can help you to feel recharged and more energized throughout your day. It increases the blood circulation in your brain and causes it to work more efficiently. Your focus and memory will improve. You’ll be more productive and creative. You’ll also notice less stress as you learn to let go of all your racing thoughts.

How to Get Started

Getting started can be quite easy. All you have to do is find a quiet area to sit. Many people like to sit on a pillow on the floor, but any place that is comfortable and allows you to sit in an upright position will do. Breathing slowly in and out can make it easier to relax and start to clear your mind. You can close your eyes if it helps. If thoughts wander back in, simply push them aside and pay attention to your breathing and the feel of the pillow or chair beneath you. Five minutes a day is fine to start. If it helps, you can search the app store, YouTube, Google, or even my ecourse on A House With Four Rooms to find meditation guides to help you.

There are various types of meditation. Find the one you enjoy and that provides you the most benefits. This is your personal practice, after all.

Routines and Rituals can transform your life, and my new ebook, The Power of Ritual, offers 50 Routines that are easy to start implementing today. And I'd  like to gift you a your copy here:

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Until next time...



The life philosophy of A House With Four Rooms suggests thinking of yourself as being four rooms: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual rooms. It advocates for doing something daily for your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

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