Stepping Stones

Lessons on Intentional Living with Lisa McGrath

Stepping Stones to Practicing Kaizen

a pilgrimage to self kaizen the law of attraction

 Stepping Stones to Practicing Kaizen

Taking a Step-by-Step Approach to Writing Your Personal Goals

All of us have goals and ambitions but unfortunately many of us find we don't reach them as quickly or as efficiently as we would like. Take New Years for instance as the perfect example: how many times have you heard people tell you their resolutions to lose weight, build muscle or give up smoking… only to then give up on the idea only a few weeks later after they've started to find the whole thing too tiring.

The problem is that these goals can be too large and too abstract and thus too easy to just kind of… forget. The solution, then, is to break those goals down into much smaller things that you actually can accomplish and that will nevertheless add up to provide cumulative benefits over time.

Why Smaller Steps Work Better

This is the idea of Kaizen – taking small steps to achieve big goals. Not only does this make your goal more manageable and less daunting, but it also makes it more concrete and measurable.

So say your goal was to build muscle by working out. If you were to make your goal to have your body look like a cover model's by the end of the year, you would almost certainly fail. Not because the goal is too ambitious (though this may be a factor) but rather because it's so vague and so 'far off'. Your goal can be to look like that in a year but this doesn't prevent you from eating cake and slacking off tomorrow. Why? Because you can simply 'make up for it later'.

Instead then, make the goal be simply to 'exercise two times a week'. This is a much smaller goal but it's also a much more concrete goal. In other words, it's something you can either succeed at or fail at within a week. That means you can't talk your way out of doing what you need to do and it means you can't skip workouts. For this type of goal, I like to suggest Mel Robbin's 5 Second Rule: count backwards from five to one and then blast off...just get up and do it.

And while you're busy focusing on this small goal, you'll find that you end up achieving the big one overall.

It's great to have an end destination in mind, but it's even more important to have each step mapped out for you. This is how you can make sure that you're making the right moves and right decisions every single day to move you closer to that goal.

This is the process of A Pilgrimage to Self Lifestyle Coaching Membership. A Pilgrimage to Self is a program that offers you the opportunity to Discover your life's purpose/passions, as well as put a plan in action for Living an Intentional Life.

When you begin your sacred journey with me, I guide you on the PATHS of Self-Awareness, Mindfulness, Gratitude, and other Self-Care practices that follow the philosophy of A House With Four Rooms and the practice of Kaizen. I guide you step by step and become an accountability partner along your journey. 

I teach you strategies to Design more of what brings you JOY in your life and identify the Stepping Stones that will move you closer to achieving your focus goals.

A Pilgrimage to Self Lifestyle Coaching Membership is a heart-centered coaching program to help you move closer to YOUR goals.

This program isn't for takes commitment and action. Do members see results...YES! Can YOU see results...ABSOLUTELY! 

Currently, the program is closed. We open a few times a year to welcome new members, and the best way to be in the "know" is to sign up for the Waitlist at this link:

By signing up for the Waitlist, you are first to learn about all the updates, launches, and special bonuses.

In the meantime, start putting the practice of Kaizen into your life.

Look at your current goals and ask yourself – how can I break them down into smaller, manageable chunks? What actions can I take today to move me closer to my achieving my desires?

Until next time...



The life philosophy of A House With Four Rooms suggests thinking of yourself as being four rooms: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual rooms. It advocates for doing something daily for your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Download 10 Secrets for "Airing" Out Your Four Rooms
A Pilgrimage to Self

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A Pilgrimage to Self is a Self-Paced Monthly Membership covering a variety of topics for successful life management.

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