Stepping Stones

Lessons on Intentional Living with Lisa McGrath

Your Purpose Doesn’t Have To Be Huge To Make A Difference



Your Purpose Doesn’t Have To Be Huge To Make A Difference


When we think about finding our calling or our life’s purpose, it’s easy to get caught up in these huge visions. We think that it has to be something along the lines of what Gandhi or Mother Teresa accomplished in their lifetimes. If you think that your purpose has to be this all-encompassing lifelong body of work, it’s easy to get discouraged and never get off to a start in the first place. And no wonder… that type of “goal” is overwhelming and seems unattainable.

The good news is that you don’t have to dedicate your entire life to your calling. It doesn’t have to be this all-consuming thing.  You can make a real difference on a small scale that will help those around you and give you the benefits of living a purpose driven life. Keep that in mind as you go on this journey of discovering, and fine-tuning your purpose and then living a purpose-driven life.

Let me share a few simple little examples with you of things that can be done with purpose that make a real difference to the people it touches. None of these is a huge project, none takes a lot of time or money, but they all have a noticeable impact, particularly over time. More important than finding a huge purpose or calling is to live your life going forward with purpose and intention.

Spending Quality Time With Your Spouse And Kids

Our lives are hectic and busy. Often we don’t spend any quality time with our loved ones. Instead, we race from commitment to commitment, cramming in a few meals and a bit of parenting here and there before collapsing on the couch and mindlessly watching TV. Become more intentional and purposeful in how you spend time with your family. Set aside pockets of time each day to give them your full attention. Plan some fun outings and activities and truly reconnect with the people who are most important to you. Be purposeful in spending time with your family and friends.

Creating And Sharing Care Packages For The Homeless

Grab some gallon-sized Ziploc bags, head to the dollar store and put together small care packages for the homeless. Include a few personal hygiene products, some nonperishable food, and maybe a pair of socks or a hat. Keep them in your car and hand them out to homeless people you come across.

Adopt A Soldier

Make the day of a soldier overseas with a monthly letter and a small care package. Google “adopt a soldier” to learn more and to find a soldier or unit you can connect with. This is especially fun and thoughtful during the holidays.

Decluttering Your Home And Downsizing Your Possessions

Let’s bring it back home for this last example. Living with purpose is all about living intentionally.  Why not declutter your home and downsize your possessions in general; this will give you more time, space, and finances to live more intentionally. Donate what you don’t need any longer and see how much more free you feel when you’re no longer weighed down by all this extra “stuff”. Yesterday, I started the elimination process for Lent; I'm donating or clearing one item per day until April 17. In this way, I am clearing what no longer serves me.

Notice that living a purpose driven life doesn’t always mean going out in the community and improving the lives of others. Another aspect that’s just as important (and should in fact come first) of living with purpose is to do so when it comes to your personal life and your home. Start there and then branch out toward the world at large.    

As you walk the PATHS to Discover your Purpose and live an Intentional Life, notice how you feel. Here's a link to our Designing an Intentional Life workbook to accelerate your journey into Discovering Your Life's Passion and Purpose and Identifying your Goals:

Following the philosophy of the Indian Proverb, A House With Four Rooms, do something daily toward living the Intentional Life of your dreams. When you are living with purpose and making the decisions and choices that align with your goals, you will be energized and feel empowered to continue to make other changes that bring you closer to living the life of your dreams.

Don't forget to go over to our Facebook Community to share your thoughts and feelings.



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The life philosophy of A House With Four Rooms suggests thinking of yourself as being four rooms: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual rooms. It advocates for doing something daily for your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Download 10 Secrets for "Airing" Out Your Four Rooms
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