Stepping Stones

Lessons on Intentional Living with Lisa McGrath

Your Attitude Matters When It Comes to Success


Your Attitude Matters When It Comes to Success

With perseverance, work ethic, and a realistic sense of what is, I've been able to live my Intentional Life successfully. One of the most important pillars to my success has been my attitude, so let’s talk about attitude and what it has to do with your overall chances of being successful. Having a positive outlook can be a huge help for a variety of reasons. Let’s take a closer look at how positivity can help you reach your goals and work for a permanent change...allowing you to reconnect to your authentic self.

Having the right attitude helps you stay motivated. Being successful takes work, and that’s just more fun when you’re enjoying what you’re doing. While not every task, and everything that needs to be taken care of, will be your favorite task, having a positive attitude about it will help.

Start by becoming more aware of your moods and outlooks as you go about your day. Make an effort to be grateful and find the good side of things. Over time your positivity will increase, and it will help you stay on track and stay motivated.

Having a good attitude helps you overcome hurdles. It’s easy to get discouraged when things don’t go your way or fall through. We all face setbacks. We all make mistakes. How we deal with them is what set’s successful people apart from the rest. Work on your positivity and find a lesson in everything that happens. You’ll come out on the other side stronger and better than before.

Having the right attitude helps you do better work. Think back on the last time you had fun working on a project. It was much easier to get into the flow and time flew by. You enjoyed yourself, and that showed in your work. We tend to work so much better when we’re in a good mood.

It’s also easier to focus on work efficiently when you like what you’re doing. In fact, when you find that groove and that perfect project, it doesn’t feel like work at all. That’s the kind of state you want to work in most of the time.

As a Success Mentor, I am passionate about having a positive impact on as many people as possible. This passion fuels me; I’m excited and rewarded by doing what I love and value. I experience a high level of intrinsic rewards, and with this enjoyment, my work becomes less work and more pleasure. It brings me joy, positivity, and satisfaction.

To make all that happen, you should make an effort to work on positivity. Check your attitude and find the joy in everything you do. Keeping a journal can help, it makes you focus your thoughts. You can look back and see what of the things you did worked and helped you make progress. Another powerful tip is to create a journal or file of encouragement. Fill it with positive images and motivational quotes. Include proof of your accomplishments and any recommendations and testimonials you receive. Browse through the journal or file any time you need an extra boost of positivity

Make a vision board encourages what you want in your life. Each year I make a vision board, and even after all these years, I am amazed at how much is manifested in my life.

As we prepare for the new year, I want to invite you to join my program 2019 New Year, New YOU with A Pilgrimage to Self. A Pilgrimage to Self is a metaphor for life…it’s a success journey. A Pilgrimage is a sacred journey. You are sacred; however, many people get caught up in the chaos of life and put their needs aside. With the demands on our time, personal plans and self-care practices get lost, and eventually, we get lost. Our mood and attitude slip away from what we truly desire; we say and do things that do not support our authentic selves. We spiral out of control. This is why the heart-centered journey with A Pilgrimage to Self is a success journey. You can transform your life and benefit from the clarity, self-confidence, mindfulness, better mood and the right attitude. Your authentic self is your true identity and will allow you to live an Intentional Life.

 Here's a link to the membership:



The life philosophy of A House With Four Rooms suggests thinking of yourself as being four rooms: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual rooms. It advocates for doing something daily for your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

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