Stepping Stones

Lessons on Intentional Living with Lisa McGrath

What Do You Want To Be Remembered For?

a pilgrimage to self purpose

What Do You Want To Be Remembered For?

 Here’s an interesting question for you. What do you want to be remembered for when you’re gone? Since our life on this beautiful earth is limited, it’s only natural that we want to leave some sort of legacy. What’s yours going to be? What do you want to be remembered for?

Living a purpose driven life makes this a lot easier. You know what you want to accomplish and what impact you want to have on your family, your loved ones, your friends, your community, and the world at large. If that sounds a little overwhelming right now, don’t let it intimidate you. You’ll get there. Living with purpose starts small for most of us and grows exponentially as we notice the effect we can have on those around us when we start to live intentionally and with an open heart.

Even small changes and accomplishments are nothing to laugh at or dismiss. Raising your children well is an amazing feat and a wonderful legacy to leave behind in the world. Or maybe you will be remembered for the small community garden you started that will long outlive you and show others how tasty and rewarding it can be to grow carrots and tomatoes.

As you start to live with more purpose, you may get to a point where you’re wondering what else you can do. You may be asking yourself how you can help people around you and how you can make the world a better place. Asking yourself what you want to be remembered for and what your legacy will be is a great way to figure that out.

Here’s a little exercise you can do today. Get out a piece of paper and write down what you would like your eulogy to be. It will condense what you want to be remembered for and what values are important to you. Set it aside for a little while, then come back and read it. As you do so, compare it to the life you’re leading right now. What do you need to change? What do you need to work on to make sure your life aligns with the eulogy you wrote for yourself? That’s your game plan. It may take a while and it may change over time, and that’s okay.

If you need help discovering and designing your game plan, we're here to help. A Pilgrimage to Self, my transformational lifestyle coaching membership, is available to welcome new members until March 31st. 

We start Monday, April 1st on the sacred journey: A Pilgrimage to Self

What can you expect?

  • Guidance, Instruction, and Information
  • Actionable Insights and next Steps
  • Accountability, Support, and Encouragement
  • And much MUCH more...

A Pilgrimage to Self Lifestyle Coaching membership is for you if you want to release feelings of overwhelm, burnout, or midlife crisis.

The journey starts with self-awareness as you discover your current mindset, core beliefs, and negative self-talk.

You'll visit each of your four rooms to "air" them out and work on a focused goal: health and weight issues, paying down debt, or decluttering personal space and minds.

As your personal journey continues, you'll learn strategies and practices that will move you along the PATHS toward self-love, purpose, and meaning, and living an extraordinary life. Don't you deserve to feel peace, joy, and success every single day?

Registration is now open for the April 1st cadre. Here's the link:

As a Pilgrim, some of the benefits that you'll experience include:

  • Mindfulness as you practice positive affirmations, self-awareness, and gratitude
  • Forgiveness and Freedom as you release guilt, sabotage, and misunderstandings
  • Confidence, Self-love, and Acceptance
  • Empowerment and Awakening
  • WisdomZeal, and Understanding

A Pilgrimage to Self is a personal lifestyle coaching membership and Mastermind group where members transform their ordinary lives into the extraordinary lives of their dreams.

As Pilgrims, members travel the PATHS from overwhelm to self-awareness and develop practices that create work-life balance by returning to self to connect body, mind, and spirit to experience a sort of renaissance.

As a Pilgrim, you will learn strategies and practices that transform all areas of your life: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Isn't it time you began the journey on your Success Paths to A Pilgrimage to Self?

You'll find clarity, peace, and joyfulness through:

  • Expert Lessons and Practices
  • Strengths Assessment
  • Q & A Sessions
  • Heart-Centered Coaching
  • Special Guest Interviews
  • Engaging Monthly Challenges
  • Group Support

My intention is to help as many people as possible to discover, design, and develop the life of their Intentional Life of meaning and purpose...taking the ordinary to the extraordinary.

I hope you'll join me. Act NOW because registration closes on Sunday, March 31st!

I'm so excited to welcome you, so register today... 

What’s important is that we live our short lives with purpose and make the most of the years we’re given on this earth. Remind yourself of this and live a life full of things that you’ll be proud to be remembered for.

As a result of working with me, members transform their lives and experience the joys of living an extraordinary life. Who do you know that would benefit from my program? Please, share this opportunity with them because the doors close on this opportunity on March 31st so we can begin the sacred journey...A Pilgrimage to Self.



  Affiliate Compensation Disclosure: From time to time, we promote, endorse, or suggest products or services of others. In most cases, we will be compensated, either as an affiliate with a commission based on sales, or with a free product to review or use. Our recommendations are always based on (i) our personal belief in the high quality and value of the product or service, and (ii) our review of the product or service, or a prior relationship or positive experience with the sponsoring person or organization.




The life philosophy of A House With Four Rooms suggests thinking of yourself as being four rooms: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual rooms. It advocates for doing something daily for your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Download 10 Secrets for "Airing" Out Your Four Rooms
A Pilgrimage to Self

Want to Learn More?

A Pilgrimage to Self is a Self-Paced Monthly Membership covering a variety of topics for successful life management.

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