Stepping Stones

Lessons on Intentional Living with Lisa McGrath

Is There a Quick Path to Abundance?


 Is There a Quick Path to Abundance?

 Inviting abundance into your life is worth putting forth the sincere effort. It's true that this feeling of having more than enough won't manifest itself overnight, but that doesn't mean it has to be a chore. You can use what you have and build upon that if you want to get a jump start on creating an abundant life filled with intention. Read on for some tips.

 Look to Your Network

 The people we surround ourselves with play a huge role in how we feel about ourselves and the ways in which we move through the world. If you want some inspiration, look no further than your friend who seems to have it all. I'm not talking about material things, either. Think of someone in your life who seems to radiate contentment and fulfillment. That person likely understands the concept of abundance. Try to spend more time with folks like your circle of awesomeness! You'll probably soon discover their vibe is contagious. They might even share some of their knowledge, practices, and positive vibe with you.

 Utilize Your Skills

 When looking to bring abundance to the forefront, it's wise to build upon the skills you already have, rather than try to start from scratch. For example, if you want to have a more fulfilling career, it might be wise to enter one for which you're already prepared instead of going back to school to learn something completely new. You can reap the benefits of a fresh perspective and a renewed sense of purpose by simply making a few changes as a start. The practice of Kaizen is making small and continuous improvements. Sometimes this approach makes more sense and helps to overcome the overwhelm that can keep us stuck in one place.

 Switch Things Up

 Making just a few alterations in your daily routine can go far when it comes to inviting abundance into your life. For instance, consider going for a walk out in nature to unwind instead of sitting in front of the TV. The fresh air and physical exercise are good for your body, mind, and spirit. The change in perspective and immersion in nature can inspire your mind, mood, and intentions. Switching things up is a powerful way to rev up the inspiration and the motivation you might find yourself lacking.

You have the power to change your really all begins with your thoughts. How you think about your life, circumstances, and purpose allows you to choose the lens in which you live. It's time to live with an Intentional Life.

 Abundance is all about creating a mindset of plenty. Overcoming the perspective of poverty is essential to living a life that's full. Follow these tips to give this process a boost and to ensure you keep moving forward on your journey.

Until next time...



The life philosophy of A House With Four Rooms suggests thinking of yourself as being four rooms: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual rooms. It advocates for doing something daily for your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

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