Stepping Stones

Lessons on Intentional Living with Lisa McGrath

Take a Look at Your Relationships & Discover if There's Room for Improvements

intentional life welcome home seminar

Take a Look at Your Relationships & Discover if There's Room for Improvements

They say your friends are a reflection of who you are. That's because we tend to pick up characteristics and mannerisms of those that we spend time with. Mary Kay Ash, the founder of the cosmetic company known for their pink Cadillacs, used to suggest that you look at the five people you spend the most time with to get a good look at who you are.

If a number of our inner circle are negative and complain a lot, that's bound to seep into our personality as well. That's why it's important to take stock of your relationships when you're striving to live your best life. Some of your connections may be holding you back from your goals. While it's difficult to consider letting go, sometimes it's for the best.

Take a look at some tips for ways to cultivate the most beneficial relationships that will enhance your life, not bring you down; after all, don't you want to live an Intentional Life?

How Do You Feel?

First, think about how you feel when you're with your close circle. Do you feel happy and energized or are there certain individuals that cause you to become easily drained or overwhelmed? Your feelings can tell you a lot about your relationships. Listen to them and follow your instincts when it comes to deciding who's right for you and who may need to be placed on the back burner.

Maintain High Standards

Never let your standards fall when it comes to the relationships in your life. No one is perfect, and even your best friends won't tick all your boxes. However, if there is someone in your circle that holds a number of deal breakers, it may be time to re-evaluate that relationship. If you find an individual offers more negatives than they do positives, it may be time to let them go.

Is There Reciprocity?

Are the people within your inner circle giving as much as they get? It can be incredibly exhausting and hurtful when you find yourself giving more time, effort, and emotional resources than the other person. It's likely time to reevaluate the relationship if someone doesn't seem to be pulling their weight.

Nurture Your Most Important Connections

Finally, once you've taken the time to assess your current relationships and decided which are your most valuable, be sure to take time to nurture the ones that remain at the top of your list. Your energy should be spent cultivating the relationships that matter most. You'll reap the most rewards in all aspects of your life when you take time to spend with the people who enhance your life and bring you fulfillment.

Consider your relationships and decide which may not be contributing to your best life. You'll find that once you've assessed your connections and made some changes, you'll likely feel more optimistic and renewed. When implementing these tips, you are designing an Intentional Life.

There's still time to join us...OPEN HOUSE is from June 17 - 28th, so if you'd like to get an "insiders" perspective of A House With Four Rooms and A Pilgrimage to Self Lifestyle Coaching Membership, join our Welcome Home Seminar and CHALLENGE TODAY. Here's a link to secure your spot:

OPEN HOUSE is available from June 17th- June 28th...

WE ARE VISITING EACH of the Four ROOMs in the Welcome Home Seminar!

  • Once you are registered, you'll create a login and password 
  • For each Room, you'll receive content materials adapted from A Pilgrimage to Self Lifestyle Coaching Membership (This gives you a member's perspective.)
    • There are a total of 5 CHALLENGES:
      • Physical Room
      • Mental Room
      • Emotional Room
      • Spiritual Room
      • Reflections
  • Visit at YOUR own time during the OPEN HOUSE from June 17th - June 28th...each of the 5 day's CHALLENGES are released on consecutive days according to your registration date; however, the OFFICIAL OPEN HOUSE begins June 17th!
  • The content for each CHALLENGE takes about 15 minutes, but the application of each offers benefits for a lifetime!
  • Participation in our private Facebook Group (Only A Pilgrimage to Self members have access to the private community on our website, but can participate on Facebook, too.)

Register NOW with this link:

The registration fee for this incredible insider's look at A House With Four Rooms and A Pilgrimage to Self Lifestyle Coaching Membership is only $5.00!

This processing fee is the cost of a fancy coffee, but it's important to help you...yes, you! Studies show that folks are quick to sign up for all kinds of things, but they don't implement...they don't participate...they don't experience any transformation. Well, that's not my intention. I WANT YOU  to participate. I want YOU to have experiences with some "ah ha" moments and have some quick wins when it comes to living YOUR Intentional Life.

Many make a commitment when they put their own money down; this is a mindset thing, and you'll also be getting much more value and benefits from your small fee.

We officially start is TODAY, Monday, June YOUR spot NOW!

I hope to see YOU on the inside!





The life philosophy of A House With Four Rooms suggests thinking of yourself as being four rooms: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual rooms. It advocates for doing something daily for your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Download 10 Secrets for "Airing" Out Your Four Rooms
A Pilgrimage to Self

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A Pilgrimage to Self is a Self-Paced Monthly Membership covering a variety of topics for successful life management.

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