Stepping Stones

Lessons on Intentional Living with Lisa McGrath

Support Others Who Want to Make a Fresh Start

Support Others Who Want to Make a Fresh Start

 When you were ready for a fresh start, having others involved to support you likely made things easier. Having their input, buy-in, and assistance made your journey easier because you didn’t feel alone. Now is the time to pay that forward.

 Support others who want to make a fresh start too. You know first-hand how valuable it is to have the support of others and what it takes to overcome things when you don’t. You can be a voice of reason, support, and education that others can lean on during their journey. Invite them to join A House With Four Rooms for the REBOOT For A FRESH START Challenge.

 Here are some practical ways you can support others who want to make a fresh start of their own:

 Get behind them in good times and in front of them in bad- People in transition have good days and bad days. Be their supporter, pushing them along when times are great and be their protector, standing beside them when times are hard.

 Be their biggest cheerleader- Imagine running a marathon and feeling every step throughout your body. There is a moment in every marathon where the runner “hits the wall” and is in jeopardy of giving up. Having someone there to encourage, urge them on, and be their biggest fan can make all the difference. Knowing someone is there cheering them on can be the difference between giving up and staying the course.

 Listen more than you talk- Change is a crazy-making time. People who are dealing with raw emotions or simply trying to pick the right paint color for their walls may need to talk things out with someone who can let them process without telling them what to do or what color to pick. Listen more than you talk and be the sounding board they need to run ideas, complain, process, or work their emotions through. 

 Offer grace and an occasional Kleenex- Grace is a much-needed commodity during a fresh start. Shedding the old and saying goodbye to what was and moving toward to what will be is a challenging time. Be there to share your support and an occasional Kleenex, should there be tears. 

 Even if you haven’t made your fresh start, you can support those around you who have. They may inspire you to make the changes you’ve been putting off. Don’t get in the way of their progress. Be a part of their team and encourage them to be, do, and have their heart’s live an Intentional Life.

As you continue to advance towards changes, remember to visit each of your four rooms (physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual) each day for complete well-being.



 P. S. I'm in the process of creating another 30 day guided practice: Finding and Living Your Purpose...registration is now open and we begin March 1st! Here's a link:



The life philosophy of A House With Four Rooms suggests thinking of yourself as being four rooms: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual rooms. It advocates for doing something daily for your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Download 10 Secrets for "Airing" Out Your Four Rooms
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