Stepping Stones

Lessons on Intentional Living with Lisa McGrath

Recharge with Self-Care After Dealing with Difficult People


Recharge with Self-Care After Dealing with Difficult People 

 Dealing with difficult people can really drain your energy. It takes a lot out of you to be around negativity and toxicity, and if you're not careful, the naysayers and Debbie Downers will take up real estate in your mind. This can be especially true when you need to maintain professionalism or diplomacy, and it's important to write out the eviction notices and clear the energy.

Trying to manage the emotions of others while maintaining your own boundaries is hard work and sometimes, we lose ourselves, create self-doubt, and experience burnout. That’s why it’s a good idea to take time out for self-care after you’ve found yourself spending time with people who are hard on your mental and emotional health.

That's why I'm on a mission to teach more people about the philosophy of the Indian Proverb A House With Four Room that states we need to do something daily for our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. I'm excited to have my latest book: A House With Four Rooms on Amazon. Get YOUR Copy here...and find the link to the free companion workbook!

Here's some information below to learn what self-care entails, why you need it, and how to claim some for yourself.

 About Self-Care

 Self-care is a word that can encompass a great many things. It truly is as simple as taking care of yourself, though. You don’t have to do anything grand or expensive like taking a whole spa day or going on a mini-vacation in order to indulge in self-care. The term is really all about focusing on yourself in a purposeful manner.

When you align with the philosophy of the proverb, your physical room is about eating well and getting enough sleep are examples of self-care because these things fortify your body and provide energy to face your daily routine.

Taking the time to do breathing exercises, meditation, and even setting aside time to be alone to do something you enjoy like watching a favorite television show can also be examples of caring for yourself in a way that restores your energy.

 Benefits of Self-Care

 There are a number of benefits that come from self-care. Taking time for yourself will refresh and renew you. You’ll feel more positive and have a new perspective on life when you take the time to care for your personal needs. You’ll be more energized, and you may even notice that your productivity improves. Your relationships with yourself and others can also become healthier. That’s because you’ll start to feel better in general. You’ll be able to give more of yourself when you’re filling your own cup.  You’ll deal with stress more proactively, and you may even notice that your general physical and mental health improves.

Imagine achieving your personal and professional goals because you've taken action...that's what living an Intentional Life is all about!

 How to Make Time for Self-Care

Self-care can be used as a proactive measure to help you have more energy to handle life’s obstacles. That means you can make time for it throughout your day. As the proverb teaches, everything we are doing for our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing will spill over to every area of our lives.

There are so many ways you can "air" out your metaphorical rooms. Getting up earlier is a good way to start fresh. You may also want to get into the habit of setting aside some alone time when you return home from work. This tends to offer a good chance to decompress from a day full of various interactions. Take a few minutes before going in your front door to shake off the work energy and prepare for the home energy. If you’ve had to deal with difficult people throughout your busy schedule, taking some time out when you walk in the door to your home can be truly beneficial. If this isn’t possible, perhaps you can carve out a nightly ritual to unwind before bed. Routines, rituals, and habits have the power to change our lives.

 Regardless of when you take your alone time, self-care is truly one of the most rewarding ways to unwind from encounters with difficult people. You’ll feel much better when you allow yourself time to do something that’s just for you.

There are so many ways to "air" out your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual rooms. I offer several strategies in my new book: A House With Four Rooms: Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual Wellbeing. Please pick up a copy here: Get Your Copy Here...Make sure to find the link inside the book for the free companion workbook.

Make yourself a priority today...right now...your future depends on what you do today.

Until next time...


P.S. After reading the book, could you do me a favor and go back to Amazon and leave a rating and really does help others make buying decisions when they are looking for inspiration. Thank you for your continued encouragement and support; I appreciate it greatly. 








The life philosophy of A House With Four Rooms suggests thinking of yourself as being four rooms: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual rooms. It advocates for doing something daily for your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Download 10 Secrets for "Airing" Out Your Four Rooms
A Pilgrimage to Self

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