Stepping Stones

Lessons on Intentional Living with Lisa McGrath

Make Change Less Disruptive

change intentional life

Game Changers: Hacks That Make Change Less Disruptive

 Everyone loves a good life-hack. A fun and inspiring way to make something easier or more manageable. As in every area of life, there are hacks that make dealing with change easier in the moment. You don’t have to take everything so seriously, sometimes approaching changes with a sense of humor can help make coping just a little bit easier.

 Fun approaches to dealing with change

 Life-Hack #1: Buy a punching bag- Even the most demure and conservative person needs to express their anger. A punching bag is a socially acceptable way to beat the crap out of something when you are stressed or scared. The added benefit will be toning muscles and burning calories. This is a way to do something for your physical and emotional well-being.

 Life-Hack #2: Break stuff- Similar to punching a bag, breaking things can release pent up emotions and create an outlet for getting anger and anxiety out. Go to the dollar store and load up on cheap vases or plates that you can smash and aggressively toss. The added benefit is you can create a mosaic art project with the broken bits and pieces you’ve smashed. Again, this is an activity that can be used for exercising your creative energy.

 Life-Hack #3: Keep a journal- This is an important time to keep track of your feelings. Being able to sort through your thoughts is easy with journaling. If you aren't accustomed to journaling, you can find journals that have writing prompts to give you a direction to take yourself. The added benefit is the next time you face a change, you can read your journal and remind yourself of how far you’ve come. Some types of journals include: gratitude, positive daily observations, wish journal, and emotional and artistic expression journals...explore!

 Life-Hack #4: Make a playlist- Seasons of life go better with a soundtrack. Make a playlist that reflects your mood and feelings about the changes you are making. Blast the music when you need to lift yourself up or connect emotionally through the beat. Dance it out in your living room or take a drive and sing along. Music has the power to change your mood and lift you up...use it!

 Going through a change doesn’t have to be white knuckles on the steering wheel. You can relax a bit and find ways to sort through your thoughts and feelings. It’s great to have support from friends and family, but some of us just don't have that accountability is a major part of my lifestyle coaching program. Learning new techniques and strategies makes allows you to participate in some activities that make coping with change easier on your own so you make progress towards your focus goals.

With 2020 just right around the corner, this is the perfect time to think about the changes in your life and prepare your intentions for the year...I want to help you achieve your goals and develop an Intentional Life filled with success, confidence, and celebrations!

Here's a link:

I hope to see you in our members' only community once you've registered!

Until next time...








The life philosophy of A House With Four Rooms suggests thinking of yourself as being four rooms: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual rooms. It advocates for doing something daily for your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

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