Stepping Stones

Lessons on Intentional Living with Lisa McGrath

Is Your Restlessness a Sign You Need Change?


Is Your Restlessness a Sign You Need Change?

 Has life gotten a bit boring? Are you feeling restless and not sure why? Perhaps you need a change. Even the happiest people can get stuck in a routine. Your life may look exactly the way you always dreamed, and you may still find yourself dreaming bigger and wanting more. That’s pretty normal.

 Life is meant to be ever-changing and moving forward. Staying the same can cause discontent and restlessness. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to change things. Your restlessness may be a sign you need to shake things up and create something new. It might scare you to think about change, especially if you are driven by: 

  • Routine
  • Loyalty
  • Predictability

 These safety zones make change feel like a threat. Having a routine creates the security and safety of knowing exactly what is happening and not allowing any variance to cause a problem. Loyalty can make change feel like a betrayal which causes guilt and shame. Predictability is secure but doesn’t leave any room for spontaneity or something new and unexpected.

 Even people who love comfort zones need change- You may be happy in your comfortable and predictable space and still want change. Sometimes the same ‘ol, same ‘ol just doesn’t cut it anymore. It’s time to find a new way to do an old thing or a new way to express yourself. You don’t have to fear losing your safety zone by chasing something new.

 Explore change before taking the plunge- You can explore change options before making a commitment. Challenge your safety zone and imagine what it will be like to shake things up and make a change. Even a small change can kick restlessness to the curb. You don’t have to be radical and change too fast or too soon. Take your time and explore the options.

 Cut yourself some slack- Confusing the desire for change for a lack of loyalty or selfish reasons isn’t fair. It is normal and part of growth to want change. It’s okay to leave a boss you love to pursue a new opportunity. It’s perfectly okay to change hair stylists or other service providers just because. Your worth and value is not tied to loyally staying in limbo because you don’t want to hurt someone else’s feelings.

 Learn the power of yes... and!-  It is entirely possible to stop feeling restless by saying yes to what you already have and looking for something more. Some changes are “either-or” scenarios and some can be “this-and-that.” They are an addition to what is already working. An example could be loving a piece of heirloom furniture your parent gave you but giving it a face-lift to match your current style. You don’t have to get rid of a gift and possibly hurt someone’s feelings, you can keep the piece and make it feel more like your own - this and that!

 Your restlessness may be a sign that you need some change. Before the feeling gets out of hand, discover a way that you can make change without upsetting your apple cart. You likely will feel a sense of excitement and relief when your changes help you feel better.

Change really can make you feel better. Sometimes all you need is an accountability partner to help encourage you to take your next best steps...that's what we do in my lifestyle coaching program...we guide, inspire, encourage, and support one another.

If you'd like to join me, I have a link for more information:

We'll be starting on January 1st on the PATHS of Self-Awareness, Gratitude, Goal Setting, and Discovery...join me!

Until next time...






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