Stepping Stones

Lessons on Intentional Living with Lisa McGrath

Here’s Why You Have to Be Intentional with What You Want in Life

a pilgrimage to self

Here’s Why You Have to Be Intentional with What You Want in Life

I’m excited to share some of the lessons from my coaching program, A Pilgrimage to Self in this blog and grateful for all the personal messages and updates from my readers, and this month, I’ve got tons of material to cover, and it’s going to be an exciting time. I’ll be opening the coaching program for the last time for 2019 on September 23rd to get a jumpstart on the new year.

Living your best life involves a great number of aspects, and as most people learn, you don’t have to go on this journey alone...A Pilgrimage to Self helps keep you accountable and on track for living your best life. The goals you set will be very personal and unique to you; however, there are some common goals and strategies that can help anyone achieve what they want in life.

That’s what I share with you during our time together in A Pilgrimage to Self. You’ll learn actions you can take to put your goals at the forefront and create actionable guidelines for reaching them. I’ll show you how to knock out obstacles like fear and uncertainty, so you can forge ahead and become the best version of yourself.

I’ll help you to dream big and take risks. Too often in life, we remain in our comfort zone in an attempt to stay safe or to avoid discomfort. When you do that, you destroy any chance you have of accomplishing new heights. You hold yourself back. You might even allow others to keep you in place due to their own projections and will.

Overcoming these obstacles can seem challenging, and it will take time. You can do it and live a life beyond what you’re currently experiencing. The key, however, is to know what you want. Many of us only know we want to be happier, live bigger, or shine brighter. We don’t know exactly what it is that will help us reach those milestones.

That’s where being intentional comes into play. Intentional living requires having a clear picture of what you want. It’s a process of creating goals and then setting achievable objectives and milestones for attaining them. To be intentional is to live each aspect of your life with your goal in mind.

You must understand the why, or the reason, your overall goals and smaller objectives are important to you. Otherwise, you’ll lack the motivation to reach them. You also need to create an action plan of substance and clarity in order to get from point A to point B.

While this may seem intimidating right now, let me assure you that I will give you the tools you need to make it happen during our time together; it is my belief you’ll feel empowered and ready to begin preparing to live your best life.

I hope you’re ready to get started with the tips I’ll be sharing in my blog posts. Remember, to work on a more personal level, sign up for the VIP WAITLIST and I’ll send you information and updates about the last program for 2019.

Until next time...



P.S. Here’s a link to the VIP WAITLIST:



The life philosophy of A House With Four Rooms suggests thinking of yourself as being four rooms: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual rooms. It advocates for doing something daily for your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

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