Stepping Stones

Lessons on Intentional Living with Lisa McGrath

Generosity - Giving More to Have More

Generosity - Giving More to Have More

 “No one has ever become poor by giving.”- Anne Frank

 There are “laws” of the universe that don’t make sense in the natural. Gravity is a law that makes sense when you are within Earth’s atmosphere but doesn’t seem to apply in space. Another law is generosity - how giving things away actually creates more. It might not make sense in the context of living paycheck to paycheck but being generous no matter how much or how little you have creates wealth.

 Generosity creates a synergy that boomerangs and comes back to you in a compounding way. What you put out truly comes back.

 Let’s see how:

 Generosity creates a kind heart- Giving to others creates kindness between the giver and the receiver. Knowing you are making an impact on someone else creates warmth and the sort of pride that isn’t selfish - it’s selfless. Generosity raises your vibration

 Generosity opens eyes- Stingy people filter the world through a lens of lack. They see people in need as, well, needy. They see those who have less as unfortunate but not their problem. They believe that others in need simply need to go to work and earn their right to have the things they need. That working hard is the key to abolishing poverty. Generosity opens your eyes to the kindnesses and giving that comes from all sorts of places. You don’t have to give money to be generous. People are actually giving all the time. Giving their time, their resources, their smiles, and whatever someone needs at the moment.

 Generosity humbles people- Generous people are often humbled by the needs of others and the generosity of even the poorest of people. Getting to know someone who needs something from you that they can never repay is an opportunity to understand struggles you know nothing about. Generosity offers an opportunity to see the needs of the world and stop living closed-mindedly. 

 You need not look far to hear a story about generosity and how the effort returned tenfold. From the endorphins release from doing the right thing to literal rewards that happened moments after giving, there are countless stories of how giving gave the giver more than they gave away.

 Being generous doesn’t have to be about money. Here are some tips for giving that are simple and easy:

  • Donate gently used items to a nonprofit organization
  • Help mentor a child or tutor a student
  • Provide foodstuffs or meals for a food pantry
  • Babysit for a single parent
  • Mow your neighbor's lawn

Being generous never made anyone poor; your generosity is part of a solid wealth mindset.

You get to choose how you want to live, and living an Intentional Life can be one of generosity, love, and kindness.

Think about how you live from a generous mindset. Can you identify the many ways your kindness ripples out into your relationships and community?

Now think about the ways you have been blessed by the generosity of others. Let this exercise be one that ignites you to go out and extend a random act of kindness.

Let Kindness Ripple...










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