Stepping Stones

Lessons on Intentional Living with Lisa McGrath

Change = Choices and That’s a Good Thing!

change intentional life

Change = Choices and That’s a Good Thing!

 Every single act of change - wanted or unwanted, good or bad, better or worse - all include one glorious thing… Choices. That’s a very good thing!

 Change brings choices that can amplify the experience. Some choices are subtle, and some are bold. Regardless of their magnitude, they provide a sense of power even if the change leaves you with feelings of powerlessness.

 The power of choices when change is welcome

 When you are seeking change, anything is possible. You can make any choice that lights your fire. From choosing a new career path to a new hairstyle, you can get excited about the changes. One of the reasons change feels so good is due to the choices you are making.

  • Choosing what you prefer builds confidence
  • Making a positive change increases happiness
  • Welcomed changes restore your personal satisfaction
  • Positive change is validating

 When you are making your own choices and getting the results you want, your happiness increases. Your personal satisfaction grows, and you begin to feel more confident. The more changes you make, the more likely you are to feel a sense of accomplishment and that you are comfortable in your own skin, your own home, and your career. Any area that you emphasize will directly affect your sense of satisfaction.

 The power of choices when change isn’t welcome

 Change that happens to you without your consent can feel like an assault or, at the very least, like you’ve been blindsided. The good news is, you still have choices. How you react to the change, the opportunities that you seize, and the direction you go are all your choices to make.

  • Choosing how you handle a negative change takes back your power
  • Making tough choices during a bad change builds inner strength
  • Managing unwelcome change makes you stronger
  • Overcoming a difficult change builds your resiliency

 What may have been meant to knock you to your knees can be managed if you choose to take action and take control. You may feel horrible for what is happening and simultaneously feel amazing because you are taking care of things and surviving... even thriving under the circumstances. Going through difficult change offers opportunities to become brave, stronger, and more resilient than you ever thought you could be.

 Change comes in two styles, positive and negative, and they both offer choices. When change is part of your equation, look at the choices you have before you and enjoy taking control and making the most of every change you have.

 Being in control and making your own decisions about the changes you want in your life is a big step into living an Intentional Life, and as we enter a new year, it's the perfect time to reevaluate the direction and decisions of your life and design the changes you want to see.

Watch this space for information and updates for my NEW YEAR, NEW YOU program beginning January 1st...registration opens December 16th with first day bonuses!!! 

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I'd love to be your guide on your journey to reconnect to your life's purpose and design the PATHS to living your Intentional Life.

Until next time...



P.S. If you have any questions about the NEW YEAR, NEW YOU program, email me at [email protected].






The life philosophy of A House With Four Rooms suggests thinking of yourself as being four rooms: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual rooms. It advocates for doing something daily for your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

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