Stepping Stones

Lessons on Intentional Living with Lisa McGrath

Are You Ready to Make the Tough Decisions Success Brings?

Are You Ready to Make the Tough Decisions Success Brings?

Making decisions has always been a tough basic skill set for me because I’m a recovering perfectionist, but it’s a skill I continue to hone. Once I was guided to create A House With Four Rooms and A Pilgrimage to Self, I put my whole heart into pursuing excellence. I’m not perfect, but I do aim for excellence…remember, I’m a recovering perfectionist.

I have learned to find a sort of balance with creating my website, blog, and membership. I find there are different stages of the process. For example, this has been a busy time as I am in the marketing and “getting the word out” stage for my coaching membership, A Pilgrimage to Self. For the last few weeks, I’ve been in this stage in preparations for opening the membership up for the 2019 New Year, New YOU! launch which is open now (Dec. 23 – 31st). Once the doors close, I move into another stage…concentrating on welcoming and guiding new Pilgrims to the membership. I’m passionate about what I do, so I’m “all in” at each stage.

A big part of being successful and productive is being able to prioritize what you should be doing and what you shouldn’t be doing. Those can be tough decisions to make, particularly when it involves other people or giving up on a project that you’ve put a lot of hard work and soul into already. It also isn’t always easy to see the right path forward and determine what the best call is. Here are a few tips I use that will also help you make the best decisions possible.

Keep the Big Picture In Mind

It’s easy to find yourself stuck in the details. We are working on one little part, and that’s all we can see. It’s hard to notice progress and make sure you’re on the right track in that frame of mind. Keep your big goal or your unique definition of success front and center. Write it down and post it in front of your desk or on your bathroom mirror. Not only will this keep you motivated, but it will also serve as a sort of compass that will keep you on the right path.

Stay Organized

It’s easy to get confused and be unable to make decisions when your surroundings and your mind are cluttered. Staying organized when it comes to what you’re working on is key. Keep your files in order, so that it’s easy to find the information you need to make an important decision. Make sure you’re clear on your goals and the path to reach them. Getting in the habit of getting and staying organized instead of functioning from a place of clutter will make it much easier to prioritize the important tasks and work efficiently.

Having a system, such as listing Pros and Cons or journaling thoughts and feelings about what you’re trying to make decisions about, can help you identify what to pursue or let go.

Make The Time To Review

It’s not always easy to see what’s working and what isn’t when you’re in the middle of things. Set aside time each week to step back and analyze your progress. Decide what’s working well and what isn’t. Correct your course as needed and decide if it’s time to change things up or pull the plug.

The more often you make those tough decisions, the easier it will become to make them. With time and experience, you’ll also get better at judging what the best choice is.

It is important to remember that putting off decisions or avoiding making a decision, is actually making a decision. By giving up your power of using your own thoughts, feelings, experience, knowledge, and voice for making decisions, you have really decided to live with the consequences of avoiding making a decision.

The road to success is full of learning opportunities. Don’t be afraid to fail or make the wrong decision. You’ll learn from every single one. Failing fast and failing often can be the quickest way to success.

Learning from your mistakes provides the knowledge and experience to help you figure out the best approach. One approach that has been beneficial in my life has been working with mentors, coaches, and mastermind groups. I’ve learned the power of synergy, guidance, and encouragement. I’ve seen growth in my personal and professional life that may not have been possible otherwise. I’m grateful for how these opportunities have enriched my life. My decision to seek out appropriate guidance has had a positive impact for the rest of my life.

What decisions are you pondering?

Have you made any New Year’s Resolutions? Have you given any thought to how attaining this year’s resolutions and goals will be different from last year?

I want to invite you to make another decision…make the decision to make 2019 your best year yet. I know having a coach can change your life, and I want to be your coach. As your Success Mentor, I’ll guide you on the PATHS of A Pilgrimage to Self, a personal lifestyle membership that follows the philosophy of the Indian proverb: A House With Four Rooms.

A Pilgrimage to Self is a metaphor for life as each PATH leads to your authentic self. As a Pilgrim, the sacred journey is a heart-centered program that has the power to transform your life.

Enrollment to this launch of 2019 New Year, New YOU with A Pilgrimage to Self will close on December 31st…at this time, my focus will transition into guiding new Pilgrims on the PATHS to Discover, Design, and Develop their Intentional Lives.

I don’t want you to miss out. Make the first decision today to begin your journey with A Pilgrimage to Self. You’ll then have the opportunity to decide which plan suits you. We have a monthly and annual plan. It’s important to know that no matter which plan you decide on, you lock in your membership; this means that the cost of your membership never goes up for the life of your membership. I know that the value of A Pilgrimage to Self is worth much more than the current pricing structure, but I made the decision to keep costs down and fixed for 2019 New Year, New YOU to have the greatest impact on as many as possible. My mission is to help as many people live the life of their dreams…to live an Intentional Life.

If you make the decision to join me, I’ve included the link below. Remember, there is power in numbers, perhaps you have a friend that would like to join you on the greatest adventure of her life…living an Intentional Life. Everyone knows someone that will benefit from the rewards of A Pilgrimage to Self: finding clarity, achieving life/work balance, releasing pain, guilt, clutter, and overwhelm, and reconnecting to their authentic selves…living an Intentional Life.

One last decision to remind you of before I sign off today…Abe Lincoln once said that we are as happy as we choose to be…make a decision today to be happy!

 Here's the link to A Pilgrimage to Self



The life philosophy of A House With Four Rooms suggests thinking of yourself as being four rooms: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual rooms. It advocates for doing something daily for your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Download 10 Secrets for "Airing" Out Your Four Rooms
A Pilgrimage to Self

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A Pilgrimage to Self is a Self-Paced Monthly Membership covering a variety of topics for successful life management.

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