Stepping Stones

Lessons on Intentional Living with Lisa McGrath

Anticipating and Attracting ABUNDANCE

abundance law of attraction

Anticipating and Attracting Abundance

 Many times, when people think of abundance, they immediately envision $$$$$ dollar signs $$$$$. The concept of abundance is often confused with wealth. However, it's important to make the distinction between the two. They are definitely not the same. I've often said that money is a resource; it's a tool for obtaining material things that you want. As we discussed in yesterday's post, abundance refers to living a life in which you possess more than enough. An abundant life is one of close personal connections, meaningful experiences, and feelings of contentment. It's about being happy and fulfilled.

We'll touch on some ways that you can manifest abundance in your life here in the blog, but I invite you to join A Pilgrimage to Self Lifestyle Coaching Membership to learn more to help you create a great Intentional Life filled with abundance. The membership is currently closed, but I recommend getting on the WAITLIST:

 Opportunity and Experiences

 When you live a life of abundance, you'll notice that meaningful opportunities and experiences will begin to come your way more often. This is because you're doing the things you love and showing appreciation for what you already have. An abundant mindset involves knowing that there is plenty and enough to go around. When you're out there living your best life, it just makes sense that your PATH will take you places that provide serendipitous results.

 Friendships and Relationships

 Many of us underestimate the power of connection. In a recent poll I conducted, I asked women what the most challenging concern was in their lives and loneliness received the second highest vote (dealing with toxic people scored the top vote). Human interaction is necessary to positive mental health and well-being. Positive relationships energize us and provide a source of support.

A House With Four Rooms has been created to build relationships and connections; we want to help inspire, encourage, and celebrate everyone to live their best life...their Intentional Life.

 Health and Vitality

 The physical and emotional well-being of you and your loved ones is definitely something not to take for granted; I know this from experience. If you're a healthy and vital adult, you have one of the greatest gifts: the ability to move freely allows you to obtain the opportunities we talked about earlier. I realize some of us may be healthier and possess more energy than others, but overall, general wellness is something to treasure. It adds greatly to your abundance.

 Gratitude and Appreciation

 Because having an attitude of gratitude is crucial to abundance, we offer Developing a Gratitude Practice here on our website. Appreciating what you have in life contributes greatly to the understanding that there is plenty. I recommend taking some time on a daily basis to write down the things you're thankful for that day. Making a list of just five things every evening before going to sleep will provide you with much-needed perspective regarding your good fortune. Abundance involves feeling satisfied with an appreciation of your life.

 This list certainly isn't all-inclusive, but it's a good start at understanding what it takes to discover the abundance in your world. If you feel one of these areas is lacking, perhaps taking some time to refine that aspect can benefit your sense of plenty.

I'd like to invite you to join our Waitlist for A Pilgrimage to Self Lifestyle Coaching Membership. In the membership, we walk the PATHS of Gratitude and Abundance, and you'll take a deeper dive so that you can Discover and Design your Intentional Life

Here's a link:

Until next time...







The life philosophy of A House With Four Rooms suggests thinking of yourself as being four rooms: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual rooms. It advocates for doing something daily for your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Download 10 Secrets for "Airing" Out Your Four Rooms
A Pilgrimage to Self

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A Pilgrimage to Self is a Self-Paced Monthly Membership covering a variety of topics for successful life management.

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