Stepping Stones

Lessons on Intentional Living with Lisa McGrath

5 Reasons Why You Can’t Afford to Wait for the Right Time

a pilgrimage to self intentional life

5 Reasons Why You Can’t Afford to Wait for the Right Time

 Living your life intentionally means taking risks. It involves pushing past fear and doubt in order to achieve your goals and live on your own terms. I know that can be an intimidating thing, which is why it’s so common for us to allow our inner critic to convince us to wait for the right time to branch out. However, there are so many reasons why you shouldn’t wait, and I'm going to share 5 of them with you today.

Taking steps now to live your best life is something you’re not likely to regret, and I want to reach out to as many people as possible to let them know that they do NOT have to go about things alone...that means YOU can have an accountability partner...ME! That's what my lifestyle coaching program is all about...guiding you on your personal journey to discover, design, and develop your Intentional Life. I will help you overcome fear, procrastination, and other obstacles that hold you back from living your best life. I'm opening the coaching program up on September 23rd for the last time in 2019 so you'll get a jump start on new years resolutions...

Here's a link to learn more:

Let's take a look at five reasons why you can’t afford to wait for the right time to start living.

  1. You’re Missing Opportunities

When you sit around waiting for just the right time to do something, you’re missing out on countless opportunities to transform YOUR life. Sure, the unknown can be intimidating; I've been there. It’s hard to just jump in with both feet with fear, guilt, and procrastination weighing you down, but doing so is often worth it in the end. Besides, you don't have to jump alone. Find a friend, coach, or mentor to participate in your journey. Try to look at your apprehension as an opportunity. That puts a positive spin on the situation and makes it exciting or challenging to consider. I want to encourage you to check out A Pilgrimage to Self for guidance, education, and accountability...don't miss out on the opportunity!

  1. You’ll Regret It

Living with regret is an awful feeling. I have a friend that works with the elderly; she has shared countless stories that remind me how important it is to be present in my encourage others to also take command of their time and develop the actions that allow them to live a fulfilling and regret free life. To consider all the things you could’ve tried or accomplished, but didn’t, is an overwhelming, sad experience for most, and I know that's now how I want to live out my days. So, instead of telling yourself all the reasons you shouldn’t do something right now, try saying yes to every opportunity you’re offered. You never know what could happen!

  1. You Won’t Grow

Self-growth is imperative in humans. If you remain stagnant as a person, you may find you have less to offer the world, your community, family, and yourself. Taking chances and going after the things you desire enriches you as a person. You learn to take risks and face fear. You’ll also stretch your characteristics and talents, such as persistence, communication, interpersonal skills, resilience, and more. These are the types of experiences that lead to self-growth and increased emotional intelligence. YOU are responsible for your personal development and growth, and YOU can do it! If you need help, reach out...

  1. You’ll Never Be Completely Ready

The truth is, there will never come a time when you’ll feel completely ready to just go for it and give something new a shot. You could almost always use more money, experience, research, time, or other resources. Make sure you don't fall into a mindset of lack and take action by finding what you need to transform your life. You may not be able to do absolutely everything you want to try, but you should definitely take chances on the ones that are within your grasp.

  1. The Right Time May Never Come

An inescapable part of being human is our own mortality. We aren’t guaranteed a certain number of days. That’s why it makes sense to take every opportunity and chance you possibly can when you are able. There might not be a better time, so put the oxygen mask on yourself and prepare to take care of yourself so that you'll be in a position to help others.

Keep these reasons in mind the next time you find yourself putting something off for later or for a time that’s better. Doing all you can now will push you toward your goals more quickly and enhance your quality of life.

And I want to help you make this transformation happen. It's time to put aside the procrastination, excuses, and doubts. I'm opening my lifestyle coaching membership for one last time in 2019 starting September 23rd. New members will begin module 1 on Oct. 1st with the PATHS of Self-Awareness, Reflection, Goal Setting, and Gratitude, and in month 2, we'll be concentrating on the PATH of Motivation to zero in on discovering your life purpose and identifying a personal focus goal. Are you interested in attaining your health goals, maybe you want to lose weight? How about a focus goal of paying down debt and getting control of your spending habits before the holidays? And with the holidays in mind, perhaps you'd choose a personal focus goal of decluttering the items that no longer serve you. 

Here's the thing...the time to get started is NOW!

Use this link to get on the VIP Waitlist for information and updates about the coaching program...

Remember, circle September 23rd on your calendar...doors open for a short time, and then I'll focus my attention on YOU...the new members, Pilgrims, that are committed to a sacred journey of personal connection and transformation. It's time to live YOUR Intentional Life

 Until next time...



P.S. I really am passionate about my coaching program, and I know the power of transformation and the benefits of living an Intentional Life. I also know that you may have questions about the program, so please know that I'm available to help. Please reach out...let's get you on the PATHS to living your best life!

The life philosophy of A House With Four Rooms suggests thinking of yourself as being four rooms: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual rooms. It advocates for doing something daily for your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Download 10 Secrets for "Airing" Out Your Four Rooms
A Pilgrimage to Self

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A Pilgrimage to Self is a Self-Paced Monthly Membership covering a variety of topics for successful life management.

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