Stepping Stones

Lessons on Intentional Living with Lisa McGrath

3 Tips to Roll with the Punches When Life Socks It to You

a pilgrimage to self change intentional life

3 Tips to Roll with the Punches When Life Socks It to You

 Life has a way of throwing a sucker punch here and there: I've taken quite a few. Things happen, and life gets overwhelming. Sometimes you can fight back, sometimes you can hide, but sometimes the best reaction is to roll with the punches and embrace the change.

 If you are in a situation where you can’t fight or hide, it might be time to just roll with it and make the best of a less-than-ideal moment in time. Here are 3 tips to roll with the punches when life socks it to you.

 Tip #1: Find a tribe- From an illness to a situation, someone, somewhere, is experiencing the same thing. Finding a tribe of people with the same issue can be a safety net. There are multiple benefits to joining a group. 

  • Friendships
  • Education
  • Support
  • And More

 Finding and joining a tribe can help you feel like you are not alone and that you have people who get you and understand. You may find valuable support and information that makes your journey easier than it would have been on your own. Here's a link to my lifestyle coaching membership, A Pilgrimage to Self...we can be YOUR Tribe:

 Tip #2: Toughen Up, Buttercup- I’m going to say it... some people are snowflakes. It’s tough to hear, but some people have been raised to believe that hard times aren’t part of life. They’ve been rescued and protected by overbearing and bulldozing parents who didn’t allow them to fail, fear, or flop. This can make mole hills feel like mountains. Sometimes managing a gut-punch from life is more about sucking it up and unlearning snowflake behavior more than it is about how unfair the situation is. Sometimes facing setbacks and attacks builds character, and people learn they are tougher than they thought and can be resilient without someone else being their champion. You have more powers than you've been relying on...use them!

 Tip #3: Go to a Movie- Sometimes you’ve just got to live life despite what is happening. Go to a movie. Find a reason to laugh and simply live life right alongside whatever is happening to you. If you can’t do anything to change what is happening anyway, you may as well live the best life you can in spite of it. Checking out and forgetting about reality can be restorative and give you respite from whatever it is you’re facing. Don’t feel bad for laughing, joking, or tuning out the bad for a moment. It will make it easier for you to cope with what is going on in life.

 You can’t always get out from under what’s happening. When that’s the case, it’s time to find ways to live with what’s happening and not let it consume you. You can roll with the punches that life throws at you and keep your head clear while you sort things out.

No matter what situations you encounter, you're not at a dead are at a CROSSROADS. You can learn to pivot and move in a new direction...the direction of an Intentional Life...your BEST life!

My blog posts are inspired by my lifestyle coaching masterclasses...I pull ideas from them and share them here because I know the POWER they have to CHANGE lives. I'm on a mission to help change women's lives by empowering them to embrace themselves, reflect on their life experiences and lessons, and move on and forward with an Intentional Life.

My lifestyle coaching program, A Pilgrimage to Self,  is OPEN for REGISTRATION...your personal development needs to be purposeful and put you in the direction of your dreams...your goals...your Intentional Life! I know can help YOU!

Here's a link to the annual membership (a savings of two months!!!):

Make sure to enroll TODAY and qualify for the bonuses!

The benefits of A Pilgrimage to Self include:
* heart-centered coaching
* science-based exercises and lessons
* Q & A Sessions
* expert lifestyle interviews
* accountability
* a private members' only community

I started A Pilgrimage to Self Lifestyle Coaching Membership to guide others on the PATHS that provide transformation: Mindset, Self-Awareness, Gratitude, Forgiveness, and Self-Care because I know the VALUE of personal development and change.

WHO: I created A Pilgrimage to Self for those women experiencing the same pain, heartbreak, and uncertainty that I survived ...those that find themselves at a Crossroads because of past hurts, abuse, divorce, lack of direction, and/or fear. For women craving change.

WHEN: I only open the membership a few times a year to welcome new members, Pilgrims, so that I can focus on guiding them on the PATHS to Discover, Design, and Develop their own Intentional Lives.


Isn't it time YOU find clarity, direction, and purpose?
YOU deserve to live an Intentional Life filled with joy, peace, and abundance.

Say good-bye to old beliefs, negative self-talk, and self-doubt...begin your personal journey with A Pilgrimage to Self.

Join me for the 2020 NEW YEAR, NEW YOU...module one starts January 1st on the PATHS of Self-Awareness, Mindset, Goal Setting, and Gratitude.

 Until next time...



P.S. Here's the link to join the annual membership:

The life philosophy of A House With Four Rooms suggests thinking of yourself as being four rooms: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual rooms. It advocates for doing something daily for your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Download 10 Secrets for "Airing" Out Your Four Rooms
A Pilgrimage to Self

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A Pilgrimage to Self is a Self-Paced Monthly Membership covering a variety of topics for successful life management.

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