Stepping Stones

Lessons on Intentional Living with Lisa McGrath

Self-Care Isn't Actually Selfish

a pilgrimage to self self-care

Self-Care Isn’t Actually Selfish

You might have noticed that self-care is considered a negative or selfish thing by much of society. You might even feel a little resistance while trying to take care of yourself more. Our society was raised on working hard and helping others before you can help yourself. Self-care is more of a reward for working hard than something that is vital to your health. That simply is not true, self-care isn't actually selfish. Self-care benefits you and everyone else around you. When you are healthy, you have more to offer others.

Your Oxygen First

You might have heard this before, but it’s a great example and needs to be repeated. When you get on a plane, one of the first things they tell you to do is to put your oxygen mask on before you assist others in the event of an incident. Not because it's selfish but because it's logical. If you are having a hard time breathing you won't be able to help others around you. So, ultimately both you and the person needing your help are out of luck all because you put them before yourself.

Translated to Your Life

This same story can be interpreted in your everyday life. If you are burned-out or unhappy you won't benefit the people around you. You will do sub-par work and maybe even say things you didn't mean to say if you don’t take care of yourself. By simply putting yourself first you can easily change your productivity and relationships with work, friends, and family. Everyone benefits in the end if they can get to their oxygen masks easily.

You’ll Know You Better

A good self-care routine also allows you to truly discover yourself. Knowing what you enjoy that makes you happy or understating your passion and purpose in life benefits the people around you too. These people get to experience the best you that there is...the relaxed and highly self-confident and powerful person you are. You'll also find that less negativity and resentment towards others allows for stronger and more meaningful relationships to flourish.

Don’t Stop

There may be a few people in your life that will see self-care as selfish but don't let it stop you. Instead, educate them or take them out of your life if that’s possible. Maybe they are just as overwhelmed as you are or don't understand the importance of self-care. More than likely, they will agree with you and even add it to their schedule.  If they don't understand it, there is no point in stressing about what they say. Don't let them stop you from taking care of yourself. Your health, happiness, and life matter too.

One way to take care of yourself is to walk the PATHS of A Pilgrimage to Self, a transformational life coaching membership that offers a heart-centered approach to discovering, designing, and developing a life of intentional living and dreams. 

If you're not on the VIP Waitlist, then use this link:

A Pilgrimage to Self will have a 2019 New Year, New You launch at the end of December in preparation for the new year. We'll walk the PATHS that are foundational to building an intentional life. We'll discover, design, and develop a plan with meaning, purpose, and joy. We'll be guided by Spirit, walk as Pilgrims, and celebrate life!

I hope you'll be joining me on A Pilgrimage to Self.







The life philosophy of A House With Four RoomsĀ suggests thinking of yourself as being four rooms: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual rooms. It advocates for doing something daily for your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Download 10 Secrets for "Airing" Out Your Four Rooms
A Pilgrimage to Self

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A Pilgrimage to Self is a Self-Paced Monthly Membership covering a variety of topics for successful life management.

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