What Ambitions Do You Have?

What Ambitions Do You Have?
Everyone has some kind of ambition regardless of age; kids demonstrate this when they are small by dreaming of becoming a dentist or doctor. As you age you still have ambitions but the question is whether you are any closer to actually achieving them or not. What steps are you taking?
Having dreams and desires is fine, but why not go a step further and make your dreams a reality? This is exactly what ambitious people do. They go after the very thing that they want and they don’t allow anything to get in their way. If you have trouble stepping out of your ordinary and working toward your dreams, find an accountability partner or group.
In my coaching membership, A Pilgrimage to Self, we follow the philosophy of the Indian Proverb: A House With Four Rooms. We take steps...actions...daily to "air" out our four rooms: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual rooms. We also discover our passions, design a focus goal, and develop a plan of action to work toward that goal.
Your ambition might be a really lofty goal, and one reason why you may not reach it is that it is such a large ambition that it seems to be insurmountable. So instead of trying to attain it, you give up before getting started. This is not the way to think!
How do you eat an elephant? ...one bite at a time. What you should do instead of giving up on your goal is to break this ambition into smaller sections. If you want to own your own home, for example, write out all the steps you have to do to achieve it. Then tackle each step one at a time.
Be very specific with each step so that you outline how to reach your end goal. Then be realistic with how long this step will take. Your first step may include having to find a better paying job so that you can own your first home. This may require additional training, and that will take time.
No matter how long it takes to reach your goal, always keep your ambition in sight. Remember that each and every action you take will take you closer to where you want to go. There are many famous examples of how perseverance led to success. For example, basketball great, Micheal Jordan, creator Walt Disney, and author J.K. Rowling. J.K. Rowling approached several publishing houses before being accepted. She would have never achieved her fame and wealth if she didn’t have ambition and drive.
By breaking down your main ambition into doable steps, you can identify just what you have to do to get there. This process allows you to stay on track and stay motivated. As you complete one section or goal, cross it off of your list and celebrate. You are now one step closer to achieving your dream. As they say, Rinse and Repeat this process until you have achieved your dreams one by one.
As a Success Mentor, I encourage you to start with the end in mind. Identify two or three focus goals, then brainstorm the necessary steps to achieve them. Remember, planning is an intentional process, and you'll want to do something daily toward "airing" out your rooms and stepping closer to your focus goals.
You will want to make things happen and the best way to do this is by using positive intentions, actionable steps, and your perseverance. Success and abundance are available to all of us; what you think about, you manifest, and with actionable steps, it will come to you before you know it.
P.S. Follow us on social media: www.facebook/ahousewithfourrooms and www.instagram.com/ahousewithfour.rooms
The life philosophy of A House With Four Rooms suggests thinking of yourself as being four rooms: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual rooms. It advocates for doing something daily for your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.