Stepping Stones

Lessons on Intentional Living with Lisa McGrath

The Mighty Power of the JUNK Drawer!


The Mighty Power of the Junk Drawer!

 For some of us, the challenge is getting organized. The more organized the better! Even the most organized space needs a place to let its hair down, so-to-speak. That’s the power of the junk drawer.

 Every home needs a junk drawer, or box, or bin, or whatever is a great space to collect the things that simply don’t have an organizational home. A sacred space to toss the leftovers, the cast-off, the incidental, and the spare. A place to go when there’s no specific alternative.

 Most junk drawers live in the kitchen - an amalgam of twist ties, an old hair scrunchie, and a beer cozy from a wedding reception. Junk drawers are the place to find a battery or the directions to the remote control. They are the final destination for long-forgotten coupons and old receipts.

 There is a mighty power in a junk drawer because it can actually be very intentional.  It can be a deliberate place to put things that have no other place to be put away.

 You don’t have to relegate the junk drawer to the kitchen. Here are some useful places to have a junk drawer:

  • In the garage
  • In your main bathroom
  • In each child’s room
  • In the hall closet

 Having spaces throughout the home where items with limited purpose and no true space to be organized can go can help keep the habit of a place for everything and everything in its place. In essence, if it has no place… it belongs in the junk drawer.

 Tips for maintaining a junk drawer:

 Tip- Junk drawers should have a sense of order. Whether you use dividers or containers, having a way to keep the random items in order will help the drawer stay manageable.

 Tip- Junk drawers need to be reviewed and revamped. Items in junk drawers lose their value and items expire. Be sure to edit the drawers at least every three months to remove unwanted and outdated items.

 Tip- Junk drawers need to be monitored. If you allow your kids to have a junk drawer, make certain they are using them as intended. Laziness and being rushed to clean up can cause kids to abuse the intent of a junk drawer. Help kids determine what is junk drawer content and what has a better, more appropriate storage space.

 A junk drawer is a vital and important component of an organized home. Being able to store items that have no other obvious space is part of keeping a home neat and tidy.

Guess what I'll be working on this weekend...yup, cleaning out my junk drawer!

Until next time...


P.S. The Indian Proverb, A House With Four Rooms suggests we do something daily for our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. Cleaning our physical “room” is more than just our physical’s also our physical body...organizing and clearing away the JUNK drawer of our hearts and minds is another way to “air” out the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual “rooms” for our wellbeing. With the holidays approaching, I’ve organized my schedule to add hourly intuitive coaching appointments...times are’s an opportunity to connect with laser focus on YOU...schedule your call here:


The life philosophy of A House With Four Rooms suggests thinking of yourself as being four rooms: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual rooms. It advocates for doing something daily for your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Download 10 Secrets for "Airing" Out Your Four Rooms
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