Stepping Stones

Lessons on Intentional Living with Lisa McGrath

Saying Goodbye to What You Want to Leave Behind

Saying Goodbye to What You Want to Leave Behind

 We know change is inevitable and it is sometimes welcome and sometimes thrust on us. A fresh start - whether chosen or imposed - is the beginning of something new. It doesn’t matter if you are volunteering to let go or if things are being pried from your grip, it is important to say goodbye to what you are leaving behind.

 At some point, what you had and where things settled was exactly what and where you were supposed to be and have. At one point, you may have loved what you had and it might have been exactly what you needed at that time. You may have outgrown it, longed for more, or wanted simple change - and here it is!

 Closure is a big buzzword these days. That’s because there is value in ending one chapter before beginning the next. Moving forward is always better when you aren’t looking back at what was. Unfinished business leaves room for regrets and there’s no time for that when there is a fresh start at the ready.

 Let’s set you up for a successful parting-of-the-ways and get you in the best frame of mind to get that fresh start!

 Step 1. Spend some time thinking about the journey you are on. Recall the past and how you morphed into the you that you are in this moment. Reflect on the good, the bad, and the indifferent things about your current status and see what comes up.

 Step 2. Whether through journaling or some other ritual, set an intention for your fresh start and consider what you need to say goodbye to in order to move forward. Do you need to let go of a habit, relationship, mindset, or physical item to begin anew? There are a number of ways to ceremonially or literally say goodbye. Marie Kondo, the Japanese organizing consultant, author, and television host, suggests thanking the item that you are releasing...this is a good practice.

 Step 3. Allow for the mourning. There is going to be some time where things feel scary, tight, worrisome, and maybe even sad. Allow yourself to feel the full range of emotions and all the subsequent things that go with it. Perhaps you will feel physically ill or want to sleep or get some self-care. Acknowledge yourself and plug into the resources that help. Take photographs of the items you are releasing; you can make a photo collage or photo album as a memento.

 Step 4. Give yourself an allowable timeline to move through the past and into the future. Set yourself up for success and hold yourself to the new standard you are setting. If you get stuck, reach out to someone for help. If you start to talk yourself out of something, try Mel Robbins' 5 Second Rule by counting backwards...5, 4, 3, 2, 1, do it. 

 Step 5. Celebrate your small achievements along the way. It is important to celebrate as you make progress and start to see change. Nothing is too small when you are starting out, and reaching milestones is an important measurement of the fresh start you will be experiencing. From treating yourself to a gift or experience to doing a happy dance, all forms of celebration are important.

 Saying goodbye to the past is vital as you make your way into the future towards your fresh start. Take the time to work through the steps, write in your journal, take photographs, and soften the blow that can come from leaving things behind.

Don't forget to go over to the Facebook group and share with the community. What are you ready to leave behind? More importantly, what are you ready to move towards?



P. S. Here's my affiliate link to some helpful items I use.



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