Stepping Stones

Lessons on Intentional Living with Lisa McGrath

Pinterest for Fun, Inspiration, and Organization

diy organization pinterest

Pinterest for Fun, Inspiration, and Organization

 If you’re the DIY sort, Pinterest is the perfect playground to be more fun, inspiration, and organization. I often use it to find hairstyles and colors, craft projects, and home decorating ideas. No matter what you are interested in, there are unlimited images, links, and examples at your fingertips. You can get the inspiration, know-how, and step-by-step directions to declutter, organize, or create almost anything.

 Using Pinterest to its fullest is easy with a few simple steps.

 Step 1: Create a board. Pinterest uses boards to collect and save pins that are related. Create boards that relate to the areas of life you want to be more organized. Some examples might be:

  • Clean Closet Spaces
  • Perfect Pantry Spaces
  • Killer Kids Rooms
  • Monthly Bill Paying with Ease
  • Sewing and Crafts Spaces to Get Crafty In
  • And more

 Once you have a board, start saving pins that inspire you. It may be an image or a link to a blog post or video that inspires you to make changes.

 Step 2: Research. Once you have pinned plenty of inspiration, it’s time for research. Dive deeper into the pin and see where it leads. Does the pin lead to a video or high-value blog post? Would printing a picture help get you inspired to reproduce what you see? Check out the content and absorb the information so you are ready to take action.

 Step 3: Pick a project. After spending your time pinning and researching, pick a project that inspires you. It isn’t wise to start too many projects at once. Narrow down your focus and start small. Once you’ve decided what project you want to tackle, it’s time to take action.

 Step 4: Take action, tackle the project. Using your Pinterest links and images, take action to tackle your project. Whether it is organizing your junk drawer or creating a play space for your toddler, take action, and complete your first project. Remember to have fun!

 Step 5: Record your outcomes. Pinterest works two ways. It can inspire you and you can contribute to the inspiration. Pin before and after shots so others can be inspired by your progress. If you are a blogger or social media influencer, consider writing a post about your experience. You might discover your project inspires someone else.

 Pinterest is designed to make organizing ideas easy. If you are looking for inspiration and a virtual place to catalog your ideas, Pinterest is an excellent tool. Use this free resource to get your home organized, start expressing your creativity, and stay inspired.

Until next time...


P.S. I have Pinterest boards at


The life philosophy of A House With Four Rooms suggests thinking of yourself as being four rooms: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual rooms. It advocates for doing something daily for your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

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