Stepping Stones

Lessons on Intentional Living with Lisa McGrath

Intentional ABUNDANCE

abundance intentional life law of attraction


Why it’s Important to be Intentional about Inviting Abundance into Your Life

 Living an Intentional Life is about inviting abundance into every area of your life that sustains your life. Even though it can certainly mean something different to everyone, it basically, refers to having a large quantity of something or having more than enough. It's used quite often in personal development circles, especially when we talk of the Law of Attraction. Most of us want to have the feeling of living an abundant life in which there is always plenty; however, there are still many people who live in a mindset of lack. It's time to change this...we need to invite abundance into our lives.

The key to inviting abundance into your life is to be intentional. This is what we teach in our Lifestyle Coaching Membership: A Pilgrimage to Self. Here are a couple of steps I've shared before when talking about abundance:

 Make it Clear

 When you want to bring more abundance and good things into your life, it's crucial to make your desires clearly known. It's not sufficient to simply say you hope to have more money, for example. Instead, write down your intention in a more specific way like, "I will gain $2,000 extra within the next three months in order to afford a vacation with my family." You may even wish to include the destination if you know where you'd like to go. I like the story of Jim Carrey, the famous actor, writing himself a check for a million dollars and dating it for a time in the future. As the story goes, he carried that check in his wallet and he did indeed receive his payout by the time of the dated check for one of his hit movies.

 Forget the Fear

 Clearly defining your intention defines it for the Universe. It sets the tone to invite this abundance to come to fruition. They say that you receive what you put out. A clearly-stated desire is more likely to set the wheels in motion for it to come to be. However, one of the biggest detractors of abundance is fear. Try to identify any fears you feel about this wish and then work through them. Turn your fears into a positive if you can. Understand that it's okay, for instance, to be afraid you don't have the ability to earn the extra money. I often use the analogy of a three-legged stool with each leg representing thoughts, feelings, and actions. Once you have the thoughts, and you feel the feeling (including fear), then you need to take action. You can do this by beginning to search for reasons why you're worthy of such abundance and set out to brainstorm ways you might be able to obtain all of your desires.

 Consider the Effects

 Next, you'll want to consider the ways in which your wish will affect your entire life. Picture how you'll feel as you begin to see extra money manifest itself. Visualize yourself planning your vacation with your kids. Try to imagine how it will feel to actually be on that vacation. This kind of visualization will help to raise your vibration and push you along toward actually living the reality of your vision. Practice the visualization exercise everyday.

 Look for Resistance

 Finally, it's important to recognize any resistance that might result in denying the manifestation of the abundance you seek. We've already discussed the big one, which is fear. Another common type of resistance is a mindset of lack or the feeling that you're not worthy to receive such gifts. Saying affirmations or positive phrases aloud can help to defeat these feelings. I also instruct members in the Lifestyle Coaching Membership to write out their affirmations. We write them out with purpose and intention. It's essential to remind yourself that you are worthy and valuable, so tell yourself you deserve all good things. Be sure to repeat these statements and write them down if you want them to be most effective.

 This is a primer on bringing abundance into your life through intention. We'll touch more on this topic in additional blog posts and in A Pilgrimage to Self Lifestyle Coaching Membership. It's important to keep these steps in mind when working to manifest abundance.

Living an abundant life is starts with Developing a Gratitude Practice and recognizing the wealth you already have, both in material goods and personal powers. These are the first steps along the PATHS of A Pilgrimage to Self Lifestyle Coaching Membership that allows us to Design an Intentional Life.

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Until the next time...






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