Stepping Stones

Lessons on Intentional Living with Lisa McGrath

Hacks That Keep Your Home Neat and Tidy

 Hacks That Keep Your Home Neat and Tidy

 Everyone loves a good hack. A simple and creative way to do something that has you wondering, “Why didn’t I think of that?” Hacks are a great way to make being organized easier than you think. And with our families spending more time at home, we could all use some hacks to keeping the house neat and tidy. Try some of these fun hacks for different parts of your home. 

For Your Car and Garage: 

Hack: Keep a garbage can near the driver’s side of the garage. Throw trash away every time you leave the car.

Hack: Keep a covered container in your car with incidental items you may need. 

Hack: Use a seat-back organizer for your kid’s items so they are in one centralized spot.

Hack: Get a car wash once a week. Keep glass cleaner and dash wipes in your glove box. Wipe down your car each time you go through the car wash.

Hack: Use a tackle box or other container with sections to create a snack tray for road trips. The compartments make it easier to offer your kids variety and the lid prevents spills. 

For Your Home:

Hack: Keep the roll of garbage bags in the bottom of your trash can. You’ll never need to hunt for a liner again. Add a can of disinfectant, too. You can change the liner and clear the air at one time.

Hack: Use a bookshelf in your closet. Many bookshelves work well in a closet and give you more useable real estate for shoes, stackable clothing, and accessories.

Hack: Shower hooks are great for organizing. The same hooks you use to hang your shower curtain can be used to organize jewelry or scarves. You can hang hats, tanks, or other easy to reach items on a rod in your closet.

Hack: Fold sheets and place them inside a pillowcase to create one tidy packet. You won’t have to suffer disheveled fitted sheets and your linen closet will look nice and streamlined.

For Your Yard:

Hack: Instead of dragging your equipment from the front to the back, consider buying two of the items you need. Having a set for each yard saves time and you always have a back up if one of your pieces breaks.

Hack: Use a furniture dolly or large cart to transport items back and forth for yard work. Being able to bring everything to one location at once streamlines the process.

Hack: Do your yards on Thursday. This allows you to enjoy the yard over the weekend when you are most likely home to BBQ or have company. 

Having simple hacks that save time and money make it easier and more enjoyable to get things organized. Having out-of-the box ways to clean, be tidy, and organize is part of the fun. You can use social media to find new ways to hack your way to being neat and tidy.

 What hacks do you have...I hope you'll share with us on our Facebook page:

Until next time,





The life philosophy of A House With Four Rooms suggests thinking of yourself as being four rooms: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual rooms. It advocates for doing something daily for your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

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