Stepping Stones

Lessons on Intentional Living with Lisa McGrath

Follow Through - Finish What You Started

Follow Through - Finish What You Started

 There are a lot of barriers to getting organized. Most people would say some of the reasons they aren’t as organized as they would like to be is due to:

  • Time constraints
  • Lack of inspiration
  • Lack of knowhow
  • Money
  • Overwhelm
  • Lack of a plan

 These are all understandable and predictable reasons. It can be hard to take action if one of these issues is in the way. Once people face their fears, solve their problems, and get down to finishing their projects, there is one more roadblock that gets in the way... follow through.

 Following through is a common issue that keeps well-meaning people from getting things done. Follow-through is less about knowhow or lack of inspiration. It’s usually about discipline and taking responsibility. Developing a standard of finishing what you started is a key concept of being organized.

 We could take time diving deeper into why people don’t follow through, but it doesn’t matter why if people overcome the behavior.

 Develop better follow-through by taking these steps:

Step #1: Stop slacking. Poor follow-through is a habit born from being lazy. Cut off any behaviors that allow stopping before something is completed to its fullest extent. Keep accountability high until the task is completed.

 Step #2: Solve problems immediately. Roadblocks happen. Unexpected things pop up. Solve problems or take corrective measures until the task is done. Even if it means hiring someone else to do what is too complex for an amateur, see the project to completion.

 Step #3: Set deadlines. Without a deadline, there is no measurement for progress. Set a deadline for a project and hold to it.

 Step #4: Get accountability. It’s helpful to have someone to report to about progress and setbacks. Two brains can be better than one. Having someone to be accountable for completing a task can help ensure its conclusion.

 Step #5: Celebrate the wins. Take time to celebrate the successes and get energized for more. Go out to dinner, splurge on a new item for the project, or do something that signifies the importance of knocking the task off the list.

 Sometimes lack of follow-through is nothing more than a pattern of behavior. Regardless of the reason why overcoming the behavior and completing tasks is an excellent way to be more organized and boost confidence. The snowball effect can make getting more tasks crossed off the list easier.

 July is a great time to revisit your New Year's Resolutions. Studies show most people (80%) that make New Year's Resolutions give-up by February. If you have a resolution and want to achieve it, but you put it to the wayside, now is a good time to start again.

Until next time,


P.S. If you are interested in accountability, I have 3 slots available in my 1:1 private coaching program. Message me and we can have a chat to see if it's a right fit for you.


The life philosophy of A House With Four Rooms suggests thinking of yourself as being four rooms: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual rooms. It advocates for doing something daily for your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

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