Stepping Stones

Lessons on Intentional Living with Lisa McGrath

Empty Nest: What’s Next for Your Family Dynamic?

empty nest intentional life

Empty Nest: What’s Next for Your Family Dynamic?

 Raising children to adulthood is one of life’s most rewarding opportunities. Being an influence on a new generation requires pouring resources, time, and energy into their well-being. What happens when that phase of life is over? ANYTHING!

 Empty nest is a pivotal time where literally anything is possible. Sometimes this is liberating and sometimes it is downright petrifying. People who plan for and have a goal for this phase of life tend to look forward to the changes and already know what direction they want to head when the last box is loaded into their kids’ car. People who resist, avoid, and ignore the change are at risk for unexpected fallout.

 Empty nest changes your family dynamic. It is meant to be part of the natural progression through life. Holding onto the past is like trying to stuff your kids into their baby clothes - they simply don’t fit. Kids grow, life evolves, and as an empty nester, you have the choices to be, do, and have the things you want when your kids grow up. But, what if you're like I was...I didn't know what I on.

 Start dreaming about your empty nest before it’s empty

 Have you begun to think about what you want life to look like when your nest is empty? It’s never too early to begin to dream. The goals and ideas you create around this phase of life can guide you in making important decisions earlier in life. Do you want to:

  • Downsize and travel?
  • Go back to school?
  • Retire?
  • Start a new career?
  • Revamp your living space?

 Don’t wait until the time has come to start thinking about what you want life to look like when the kids are gone. Planning ahead can give you a focus and something to look forward to; I refer to this as Designing an Intentional Life with my lifestyle coaching membership, A Pilgrimage to Self. Share your plans with your kids as they grow so they are on board with your goals and intentions and can support you and be ready for any changes you intend to make.

 Don’t be afraid to make a radical change

 Raising a family is all about putting others before yourself... that’s simply what parents do. Don’t be afraid to shift your priorities onto yourself as you create an empty nest. Your job is done. Well done! It’s time to think about what you want to be, do, and have that is focused on your passions, interests, and goals. There’s nothing selfish about going for the things you waited on while you were raising your family; it's time to discover, design, and develop your Intentional Life.

 Empty nest is a natural life change that families experience. It’s a time for change for everyone - kids who are out on their own and parents who are redefining their roles as their kids mature. Embrace all the possibilities and make the best and most fun choices during this exciting time.

For additional tips, grab your free PDF download Empty Nest to Retirement here!

Until next time...



P.S. Don't forget to circle December 16th on your calendar...registration opens for the 2020 NEW YEAR, NEW YOU program with A Pilgrimage to Self.



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