Stepping Stones

Lessons on Intentional Living with Lisa McGrath

Embrace Your Hobbies And Interests


Embrace Your Hobbies And Interests


Over the past few days we’ve taken a look at how we spend our time, what we spend it on and what may be sucking time away from us. In other words, we started to be more intentional on how we spend our time and what we spend it on. That leaves quite a few hours each week open to new things. When we’re no longer watching TV mindlessly, or letting social media suck us in, we have time to do the things we thought we simply didn’t have time for.

Today I want to encourage you to embrace your hobbies and interests. Do you remember having all afternoon, weekends, and school holidays to do what you loved to do? Without the obligations of adulthood, it’s easy to enjoy a hobby or explore other interests. When we become adults, it can become tougher to sneak in those activities between everything that has to be done. We often let go of the things we enjoy doing to the most. It’s time to take back that joy and pick up those hobbies and interests again …or even find something new to try.

Hobbies are an important part of living with purpose. They give balance to our lives and allow us to spend some much needed time on something we enjoy. They help us distress and are fun, which is a good way to "air" out your Emotional Room. For example, if you work in an office job where you spend most of your time working away at the computer all day, it can be tough to see the fruits of your labor. You work hard, but at the end of the day, you don’t see anything in front of you that shows what you’ve accomplished. To balance this out, consider a hobby like gardening, sewing, knitting, or woodworking. Spend an hour in the evening on your favorite hobby and you can actually see, feel, and touch the progress you’ve made.

In 1991, I took up quilting intentionally. I had sewn clothes, curtains, and other creations, but I hadn't made a quilt. I remember the fun I had in picking out the fabrics and deciding on a patter; my first quilt was a sampler, so I did a different pattern for each block. The next quilt, was one of my most important because it was a way to keep my hands busy as I quit smoking. There's a tradition of naming your quilts, so this particular log cabin design I called Broken Habits. I still have this quilt and it continues to inspire me.

Hobbies can also help us unwind and let go of all the stress and anxiety that has built up over the workday. This in turn is good for our health and mental wellbeing. People with relaxing hobbies like playing music, crafting, painting, or gardening, to name a few, tend to sleep better and feel more refreshed when they can engage with their favorite past time.

Hobbies also give us a chance to connect with other like-minded individuals. There are classes, groups, clubs, and even guilds for all sorts of different things. Or you can simply form your own group.

I have a variety of hobbies and continue to explore new ones, especially those that allow me follow the philosophy of the Indian Proverb: A House With Four Rooms. Some hobbies provide the necessary "visits" to your four rooms: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. When you go out walking or hiking, not only are you able to commune with nature for your physical health, but it "airs" out your emotional and spiritual rooms, too.

If you want to "visit" your Physical Room why not find a few other cycling enthusiasts and start organizing group rides on the weekends. You can visit your Mental Room when you start a monthly book club for a chance to discuss your favorite works of fiction with other readers, or you may choose a spiritual book to discuss.

Embrace your hobbies and interests and make them part of your everyday life again. To live an Intentional Life, you must choose the activities that make you feel good and that you enjoy.

Today, take a minute to think about your hobbies and interests. Which make you feel happy, at peace, or excited? Choose to schedule some time to do them and then take action. Don't forget to tell us about your hobbies and interests in the Facebook group:



P.S. Here are affiliate links to some of my favorite hobby books! 

Affiliate Compensation Disclosure: From time to time, we promote, endorse, or suggest products or services of others. In most cases, we will be compensated, either as an affiliate with a commission based on sales, or with a free product to review or use. Our recommendations are always based on (i) our personal belief in the high quality and value of the product or service, and (ii) our review of the product or service, or a prior relationship or positive experience with the sponsoring person or organization.

The life philosophy of A House With Four Rooms suggests thinking of yourself as being four rooms: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual rooms. It advocates for doing something daily for your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Download 10 Secrets for "Airing" Out Your Four Rooms
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