Stepping Stones

Lessons on Intentional Living with Lisa McGrath

Dealing with Difficult People Online

personal boundaries professional boundaries toxic people

Dealing with Difficult People Online 

There are ways to deal with toxic people in your life, and it's important that you do so...setting personal and professional boundaries is essential. Today’s post tackles dealing with difficult people online. Almost all of us use online forums such as Zoom, Google, and social media whether it’s for business purposes or personal reasons, we’re bound to encounter individuals who cause us problems online. Dealing with such folks online is different than managing them in real life. Keep reading to see what I mean.

Difficult People Online

You’ve probably already figured out that people can sometimes be even more aggressive and obnoxious online than they would be in person. That’s because it’s easier to hide behind a keyboard and computer screen and say mean things than it is to confront someone face to face. People can often feel brave and entitled to say things wouldn’t ordinarily say when they have the anonymity of an online presence. Even people you know in person can act differently online than they would to your face.

Various Scenarios

How to deal with difficult people online will vary based on the context of a situation. If you’re managing your business or professional online presence, you’ll need to take a different approach than you would when navigating a personal page. Similarly, encountering difficult strangers will vary quite a bit from confrontation with someone you know well. It’s wise to take the circumstance into account when determining how to deal with toxic individuals in online platforms. However, there are some common tactics that can apply to almost any circumstance.

Steps to Take

Whether you’re dealing with a business or personal account, it’s good to begin by acknowledging most individuals. If you show them that you hear them and you’re willing to listen, you can lower defenses and ease tensions. The person will likely be less defensive when this happens. Being online gives you a buffer to then think about your next move. When dealing in a professional setting, you can invite the person to move to an offline and less public venue to work things out. This could be through email or a customer service line. Sometimes something as simple as offering a coupon or discount code can help to satisfy them. If you’re dealing with someone you know in real life, this strategy can also be helpful. This is particularly true if you’re trying to salvage a relationship. However, if you’re dealing with someone who refuses to listen or who is clearly not interested in coming to a resolution, you may simply need to walk away from the confrontation. Blocking is always a possibility if the individual becomes particularly combative. Do not delete comments. It’s always best to leave everything as is so that you have proof that you made an attempt to remedy the situation and that you’re being transparent.

Dealing with difficult people online can have its advantages because it allows you time to plan your strategy. Unfortunately, online forums also allow anonymity that allows some people to become more aggressive than they would in real life. Try to manage things with as little conflict as possible, but don’t be afraid to walk away if things get out of hand.

 Set your personal and professional boundaries...and stick to them.

Until next time...


P.S. Communication, setting personal boundaries, and building relationships are all important to living an Intentional Life, and A Pilgrimage to Self Lifestyle Coaching Membership teaches members to self-evaluate their skills, assess their values and make sure their relationships align accordingly. The monthly online membership is available with the first PATHS of your journey...practicing self-awareness, reflection, goal setting, gratitude, and much more. Each week you are guided on the PATHS to living your Intentional Life...a life that provides Purpose, Abundance, Truth, Health, and Success...isn’t it time to follow the PATHS to living your Intentional Life

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