Stepping Stones

Lessons on Intentional Living with Lisa McGrath

10 Characteristics of Happy People

10 Characteristics Of Happy People
We tend to notice a happy person from a mile away because it is so rare to find someone who exudes genuine and lasting happiness. It’s just something they give off that makes you think they never let the struggles of life get to them.

Is there a secret to happiness? Not likely, however, people who are happier seem to understand that life is what you make it. It has something to do with what you choose to see, hear, and do.

I want to share with you “10 characteristics of happy people” …

1. Appreciation
Happy people have more of an appreciation for where they are in life. You seldom see a miserable person who is grateful and joyful too.
Appreciation will allow you to become happier because your expectations are reasonable. A House With Four Rooms offers a Developing a Gratitude Practice because the benefits are so great.

2. Understanding
Someone who understands why life doesn’t always go her way is more likely to be happier. These types of people show resilience and understand the processes of everything in life.

When an expectation isn’t met, we all sometimes wonder, “why?”, but understanding will bring peace to a situation. As Stephen Covey said, "Seek to understand" which is great advice.

3. Love
This is a big one… when you have a heart full of love for life, you are very likely to be a happy person. Love makes us happier with ourselves and it allows us to see the good in people while seeing a need to serve in some way.

Can you imagine how the world would be if everyone looked to serve with love? Imagine if every act were done in service of love...what a difference it would make in our everyday lives. 

4. Patience
This may be the toughest part of life for many of us. Patience is a true test of mental strength but it pays off tremendously (eventually). No successful person has been able to get through life without a lot of patience.

We spend more time waiting than we do in receiving, so it’s important for us to “appreciate” the wait. As the saying goes, "All good things come to those who wait." A happy life comes from being patient through some of the toughest situations.

5. A Good Attitude
This one’s obvious. Have you ever met someone who was extremely rude and negative all the time? Well, these people are not happy. The chances of them being optimistic are less likely; they seem to attract negativity and disappointment.

A good attitude can go a very long way in life and people take notice. It's worth the effort to look on the brighter side of things...have a good attitude and be hopeful in all situations.

6. Meaning
Nothing can zap a person’s happiness more than a meaningless lifestyle. We are meant to progress and strive and if we are wasting time by being complacent we won’t experience happiness.

Live a meaningful life by setting goals, working toward those goals, and looking forward to what’s to come in your optimistic future. ONly pursue what is meaningful in your life because your time is valuable.

7. Curiosity
Most people who become complacent lack curiosity. A bigger meaning in life requires you to be curious and have the drive to act on those thoughts of “what if”.

Don’t be afraid to make the effort to learn more and you'll find the possibilities can be endless. It's never been easier to look up information, and because it's easy to Google our questions, it is easy to find answers.

8. Kindness
It’s important to be kind to other people. When you show kindness you are telling the world that you are grateful for your existent alongside the existence of others.

I believe it's important to adopt a practice of doing Random Acts of Kindness. It is an easy and quick way to fill your day with joy. When you are being of service, you'll find your heart smiling broadly.

9. Ambitious
An unhappy person would be sulking in their sadness, while an ambitious person will go out of their way to accomplish something that means a lot to them. It's important to pursue your goals. It's true that goals and dreams can evolve over time, but moving forward toward your dreams will carry the excitement and satisfaction of accomplishing your goals.

10. Optimistic
Do you have hope? Optimism will give you hope even when it doesn’t seem within reach. Positivity can actually lead to happier moments because you’re more open-minded.

Happy people have a happier outlook on life which is very apparent.

Don’t Worry, Just Be Happy

We all have the ability within us to create happiness. It’s a choice which needs to be made every day when we wake up in the morning.

Understand that life is not against you and having the perspective of things going right will mean the difference between being happy and unhappy.
Be more open to developing characteristics which will make your life a lot easier and happier.

How many of these characteristics do you have? What simple changes could you make and what actions could you take to experience more happiness throughout your day?

Isn't it time you joined in and experienced happiness and joy in every moment of your life? When you adopt these characteristics, you'll experience the life you are meant to of happiness and joy.

Learn more about A Pilgrimage to Self with this link:





The life philosophy of A House With Four Rooms suggests thinking of yourself as being four rooms: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual rooms. It advocates for doing something daily for your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Download 10 Secrets for "Airing" Out Your Four Rooms
A Pilgrimage to Self

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